Sourcing Strategy: Modelo 303, Modelo 349, Modelo 390, and Modelo 347


To access the Spain Localization SuiteApp documentation in Spanish of Spain (español de España), see Spain Localization.

This section describes the conditions of the sourcing strategy for Modelo 303, Modelo 349, Modelo 390, and Modelo 347.

The following conditions apply to these Spain VAT reports provided by this SuiteApp:

The table below details the conditions that are specific to only some of the reports:

Modelo 303 and Modelo 390

Modelo 349

Modelo 347

Reports support both B2B and B2C transactions. Therefore, they also include transactions where no tax registration was selected.

For more information about B2B and B2C transactions, see Spain Terminology.

Reports only support B2B transactions. Therefore, they exclude all transactions where the Customer/Vendor Tax Reg. Number field on the Tax Details subtab of the transaction record is empty.

For more information about B2B and B2C transactions, see Spain Terminology.

Unless otherwise specified, boxes of these reports exclude refunds.

Where applicable, boxes of these reports include refunds.

Reports support the inclusion of journal entries and expense reports. If you want to include them, you must first set the following fields in their records:

  • Tax Transaction Type

  • Tax Code

  • Tax Rate

Tax lines from import transactions where the Import Operator box in Vendor record is checked are only included in specific report boxes described in this documentation. Therefore, these tax lines are excluded from other boxes that are related to regular domestic transactions.

Report includes domestic, EU intracommunity, and import/export transactions. The implementation logic is provided by SuiteTax.

It only reports transactions exceeding €3,005.06.

Report includes purchases and sales of both goods and services.

The report excludes the following:

  • Purchases and sales of goods between mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands, Ceuta, and Melilla

  • Goods imported from outside the EU

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General Notices