Generating Inventory Ownership and Custody Reports


To access the Brazil Reports documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Reports.

The Brazil Reports SuiteApp enables you to create an inventory assessment and generate an inventory ownership and custody report. Use this report to record the inventory items moved between locations on inbound and outbound delivery transactions on a given period.

To generate an inventory ownership and custody report:

  1. Go to Reports > Brazil Reports > Inventory Assessment > New.

  2. In the Subsidiary field, select the subsidiary whose inventory you want to assess.

  3. In the Start Date field, select the start date of the assessment period.

  4. In the End Date field, select the end date of the assessment period.

    If your subsidiary is a manufacturer or comparable to a manufacturer, the inventory assessment period should be the same as the IPI assessment's period.

    NetSuite uses the start and end dates to determine the posting period to which the assessment applies. You cannot create, edit, or generate a report for the assessment after the posting period closes.

  5. Click Save.

    NetSuite saves the assessment record.

  6. To generate the inventory ownership and custody report, do the following:

    1. Go to Reports > Brazil Reports > Inventory Assessment.

    2. Click View next to the inventory assessment record you want.

      The inventory assessment record opens.

    3. Click Generate Report.

      If the assessment covers a long period, the report generation may take a few minutes to complete. When the report becomes available, NetSuite displays the View link under the Report field and notifies you through email. The system also updates the inventory assessment record with information about the items moved during the assessment period.

    4. In the Report field, click View.

      NetSuite opens the Country Tax Report -Brazil page.

    5. Click the PDF icon Adobe Reader icon to download the report.

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