Using Basic Authentication to Connect to Financial Consolidation and Close

If you want to use basic authentication to connect to your Financial Consolidation and Close application from NetSuite, you need to store user credentials in NetSuite.

To set up basic authentication to connect to Financial Consolidation and Close:

  1. In NetSuite, go to NetSuite EPM > Close Management and Consolidation > Connection Settings.

  2. For the Basic Auth type, click Configure.

  3. Enter credentials that you use to connect to your Financial Consolidation and Close application:

    1. In the Username field, enter the user name you use to sign in to your Financial Consolidation and Close application.


      If your URL ends with, enter the user name as is. If your URL ends only with, you need to precede your user name with the domain name:


      You can get the domain name from the Financial Consolidation and Close login screen.

    2. In the Password field, enter the password you use to log in to your Financial Consolidation and Close application.

      The following screenshot shows the Financial Consolidation and Close login screen with the domain name, user name, and password:

      Close Management and Consolidation login screen
  4. Click Save.

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