Bill Capture Preferences

NetSuite provides several Bill Capture preferences that determine how scanned vendor bill information is sourced and displayed.

To access the Bill Capture Preferences page, go to Setup > Accounting > Bill Capture Preferences.

Preferences are organized in the following subtabs:

Scanned Vendor Bills Row Display

  • Row Display – Rows of scanned bills can be hidden from the Scanned Vendor Bills page. Rows can be hidden immediately or 30/60/90 days after bill creation. The default is 60 days. Hiding rows reduces the number of rows on the page, improving user experience and performance of the page, for example, when filtering. Only rows of scanned bills that have been reviewed and generated can be hidden. Hiding a row does not delete the file from the File Cabinet. Hidden bills are available in the Bills list (Transactions > Payables > Enter Bills > List).

Review Page Line Display

  • Line Categorization – Scanned lines can be recorded as items only, expenses only, or both, based on existing records and transactions.

    If lines are to be recorded as expenses (either all or some), they can be summarized into a single line (aggregate total). See the Expense Line Total option.

    If lines are categorized based on existing records and transaction (default), the following logic is applied:

    • If there is a PO match, the system attempts to categorize the lines in the scanned file with the items and expenses in the matched PO.

    • If there is no PO match, the system determines whether the scanned line should be recorded as an item or as an expense from historical transactions of the matched vendor.

  • Expense Line Total – If any lines are recorded as expenses, they can be recorded as multiple expense lines (default), or summarized into a single line. Tax and shipping can be included in this total, or recorded separately.

  • Item Line Total – If any lines are recorded as items, they can be recorded as multiple item lines (default), or summarized into a single line. Tax and shipping can be included in this total, or recorded separately.

Review Page Field Sourcing

  • Purchase Order – Scanned bill information is overwritten with content from the PO that is linked in the Primary Information section. Select whether items and expenses scanned data should be overwritten with content from the PO that is linked in the Primary Information section, and whether review is required or if the bill can be created automatically.

  • Payment Terms – Payment terms can be sourced from the scanned file (default) or the vendor record.

  • Due Date – Due date can be sourced from the scanned file (default) or calculated from the payment terms and bill date values.

  • Expense Account – If expense accounts are sourced from the vendor record, the system automatically populates the default expense account of the matched vendor (default). Otherwise, the system associates each memo with the expense account or category you entered.

  • Total Tax – Total tax is recorded as a single line total. This can be an item or expense. Select the item record, expense account, or expense category. This field can be left blank.

  • Shipping Cost – Shipping cost is recorded as a single line total. This can be an item or expense. Select the item record, expense account, or expense category. This field can be left blank.

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