Working with Bill Capture Templates
Bill Capture templates save data for select fields for specific vendor and subsidiary combinations. Templates can be created on the Review Scanned Bill page during bill creation.
If a purchase order is linked, the data from the purchase order takes precedence over the template.
If a template exists, fields are populated based on the saved template when a file with the vendor and subsidiary combination is scanned. Scanned bill data is overwritten.
The following fields are not included in templates:
Primary Information: PO Number, Reference No, Date, Posting Period, Due Date, Discount Date
Item and expense lines: PO Number
SuiteTax fields
To create a Bill Capture template:
Go to Transactions > Payables > Scanned Vendor Bills.
Click Review next to a file to open it in the Review Scanned Bill page.
Update the fields as needed.
Click the Create Bill dropdown and select Create Bill & Template.
The next time a file with that specific vendor and subsidiary combination is scanned, fields will be updated based on your corrections in the template.
To remove a Bill Capture template:
Go to Transactions > Payables > Scanned Vendor Bills.
Click Review next to a file to open it in the Review Scanned Bill page.
Click Actions and select Remove Template.
After a template is removed, the page is refreshed and fields are populated with scanned data.