Manual Export of Dataset Metadata in Close Management and Consolidation Sync

You can manually export metadata from your Close Management and Consolidation datasets, and download the exported metadata to your computer as CSV files. You can then open the files and review the metadata hierarchy.

To export metadata:

  1. In NetSuite, go to NetSuite EPM > Close Management and Consolidation > Manage Datasets.

  2. In the list of datasets, click Download next to a dataset of your choice.

    NetSuite opens a page with the name of the dataset and the status of the manual execution of the dataset.

    • If you have not executed the dataset yet, the Execution section shows the Not Executed status.

    • If you have previously executed the dataset, the Execution section shows the following information:

      • The Success or Failure execution status.

      • If the execution was successful:

        • The time stamp reflects the last date and time when you generated the CSV file.

        • The Download Search Results link is available for you to download the file to your computer.

  3. Click Generate to export the latest dataset as a CSV file.

    When the export is in progress, the Execution section shows Queued or In Progress as the execution status. If the export completes successfully, the Download Search Results link becomes available. The time stamp reflects the date and time when you generated the CSV file.

  4. Click the Download Search Results link to save the exported CSV file to disk.

    You can then open the file, and review the hierarchy of metadata that will be sent to your Close Management and Consolidation on the dataset execution. If you want to customize the metadata hierarchy, proceed as described in the help topic Customization of Close Management and Consolidation Sync Datasets.

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