Track Deposits and Refunds

The following sample shows how to track the balance of deposits and refunds on sales orders.

For the complete tutorial, see Track Customer Deposit Balances.


This sample uses SuiteScript 2.1. For more information, see SuiteScript 2.1.

 * @NApiVersion 2.1
 * @NScriptType UserEventScript
 * @NModuleScope SameAccount

define(['N/record', 'N/search', 'N/log'], (record, search, log) => {
    function beforeSubmit(scriptContext) {
        const contextDep = scriptContext.newRecord;
        const soID = contextDep.getValue({
            fieldId: 'salesorder'
        if ((soID !== null) && (scriptContext.type === scriptContext.UserEventType.DELETE)) {
            const depAmt = contextDep.getValue({
                fieldId: 'payment'
            const salesorder = record.load({
                type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
                id: soID
            const status = salesorder.getValue({
                fieldId: 'status'
            if (status !== 'Billed') {
                const soTotalPaid = salesorder.getValue({
                    fieldId: 'custbody_total_deposit_paid'
                const soRemainingBalance = salesorder.getValue({
                    fieldId: 'custbody_balance_remaining'
                    fieldId: 'custbody_total_deposit_paid',
                    value: soTotalPaid - depAmt
                    fieldId: 'custbody_balance_remaining',
                    value: (soRemainingBalance + depAmt)
                const id ={
                    enableSourcing: true,
                    ignoreMandatoryFields: true
    function afterSubmit(scriptContext) {
        const contextDep = scriptContext.newRecord;
        const soID = contextDep.getValue({
            fieldId: 'salesorder'
        if ((soID !== null) && ((scriptContext.type === scriptContext.UserEventType.CREATE) || (scriptContext.type === scriptContext.UserEventType.EDIT))) {
            const salesorder = record.load({
                type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
                id: soID
            const status = salesorder.getValue({
                fieldId: 'status'
            if (status !== 'Billed') {
                const soEntity = salesorder.getValue({
                    fieldId: 'entity'
                const soTranId = salesorder.getValue({
                    fieldId: 'tranid'
                const soFullTextTranID = 'Sales Order #' + soTranId;
                const mySearch = search.load({
                    id: 'customsearch_sobalancedue'
                const entityFilter = search.createFilter({
                    name: 'name',
                    operator: search.Operator.IS,
                    values: soEntity
                const soIdFilter = search.createFilter({
                    name: 'formulatext',
                    operator: search.Operator.IS,
                    summary: search.Summary.MAX,
                    formula: "CASE WHEN {type}='Customer Deposit' then {appliedtotransaction} when {type}='Deposit Application' then {createdfrom.salesorder} when {type}='Sales Order' then 'Order #'||{number} end",
                    values: soFullTextTranID
                mySearch.filters.push(entityFilter, soIdFilter);
                const soresults =;
                    let soTextID = soresults.getValue({
                        name: 'formulatext',
                        summary: search.Summary.GROUP
                    if (soFullTextTranID === soTextID) {
                        let totalPaid = soresults.getValue({
                            name: 'formulacurrency',
                            summary: search.Summary.SUM
                        let soTotal = salesorder.getValue({
                            fieldId: 'total'
                        let remainingBalanceOnOrder = parseFloat(soTotal)-parseFloat(totalPaid);
                            fieldId: 'custbody_total_deposit_paid',
                            value: totalPaid
                            fieldId: 'custbody_balance_remaining',
                            value: remainingBalanceOnOrder
                        let id ={
                            enableSourcing: true,
                            ignoreMandatoryFields: true
    return {
        beforeSubmit: beforeSubmit,
        afterSubmit: afterSubmit


This sample uses SuiteScript 2.1. For more information, see SuiteScript 2.1.

 * @NApiVersion 2.1
 * @NScriptType UserEventScript
 * @NModuleScope SameAccount

define(['N/record', 'N/search', 'N/log'], (record, search, log) => {
    function afterSubmit(scriptContext) {
        const contextDepApp = scriptContext.oldRecord;
        const depAppId =;
        const soEntity = contextDepApp.getValue({
            fieldId: 'customer'
        const createdFrom = contextDepApp.getValue({
            fieldId: 'deposit'
        const cusDeposit = record.load({
            type: record.Type.CUSTOMER_DEPOSIT,
            id: createdFrom,
            isDynamic: true
        const orderId = cusDeposit.getValue({
            fieldId: 'salesorder'
        const soFullTextTranID = cusDeposit.getText({
            fieldId: 'salesorder',
        const mySearch = search.load({
            id: 'customsearch_sobalancedue'
        const entityFilter = search.createFilter({
            name: 'internalidnumber',
            operator: search.Operator.IS,
            values: soEntity
        const soIdFilter = search.createFilter({
            name: 'formulatext',
            operator: search.Operator.IS,
            formula: "CASE WHEN {type}='Customer Deposit' then {appliedtotransaction} when {type}='Deposit Application' then {createdfrom.salesorder} when {type}='Sales Order' then 'Sales Order #'||{number} end",
            values: soFullTextTranID
        mySearch.filters.push(entityFilter, soIdFilter);
        const soresults =; {
            let soTextID = soresults.getValue({
                name: 'formulatext',
                summary: search.Summary.GROUP
            if (soFullTextTranID === soTextID) {
                let totalPaid = soresults.getValue({
                    name: 'formulacurrency',
                    summary: search.Summary.SUM
                let salesorder = record.load({
                    type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
                    id: orderId,
                    isDynamic: true
                let soTotal = salesorder.getValue({
                    fieldId: 'total'
                let remainingBalanceOnOrder = parseFloat(soTotal);
                remainingBalanceOnOrder = parseFloat(remainingBalanceOnOrder) - parseFloat(totalPaid);
                    fieldId: 'custbody_total_deposit_paid',
                    value: totalPaid
                    fieldId: 'custbody_balance_remaining',
                    value: remainingBalanceOnOrder
                let id ={
                    enableSourcing: true,
                    ignoreMandatoryFields: true
    return {
        afterSubmit: afterSubmit


This sample uses SuiteScript 2.1. For more information, see SuiteScript 2.1.

 * @NApiVersion 2.1
 * @NScriptType UserEventScript
 * @NModuleScope SameAccount

define(['N/record', 'N/search', 'N/log'], (record, search, log) => {
    return {
        afterSubmit: function(scriptContext) {
            const contextRef = scriptContext.newRecord;
            const refId =;
    function UpdateSalesOrder(refId) {
        const refund = record.load({
            type: record.Type.CUSTOMER_REFUND,
            id: refId,
            isDynamic: true
        const soEntity = refund.getValue({
            fieldId: 'customer'
        const lines = refund.getLineCount({
            sublistId: 'apply'
        for (let i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
            let depositnum = refund.getSublistText({
                sublistId: 'apply',
                fieldId: 'internalid',
                line: i
            let refundamt = refund.getSublistValue({
                sublistId: 'apply',
                fieldId: 'amount',
                line: i
            let order = search.lookupFields({
                type: search.Type.DEPOSIT_APPLICATION,
                id: depositnum,
                columns: 'createdfrom.salesorder'
            let soFullTextTranID = order['createdfrom.salesorder'][0].text;
            let orderId = order['createdfrom.salesorder'][0].value;
            let soTotalPaid = search.lookupFields({
                type: search.Type.SALES_ORDER,
                id: orderId,
                columns: ['total']
            let soTotal = soTotalPaid['total'];
            let mySearch = search.load({
                id: 'customsearch_sobalancedue'
            let entityFilter = search.createFilter({
                name: 'internalid',
                join: 'customer',
                operator: search.Operator.EQUALTO,
                summary: search.Summary.MAX,
                values: soEntity
            let soIdFilter = search.createFilter({
                name: 'formulatext',
                operator: search.Operator.IS,
                formula: "CASE WHEN {type}='Customer Deposit' then {appliedtotransaction} when {type}='Deposit Application' then {createdfrom.salesorder} when {type}='Sales Order' then 'Sales Order #'||{number} end",
                values: soFullTextTranID
            mySearch.filters.push(entityFilter, soIdFilter);
            let soresults =;
                let soTextID = soresults.getValue({
                    name: 'formulatext',
                    summary: search.Summary.GROUP
                if (soFullTextTranID === soTextID) {
                    let totalPaid = soresults.getValue({
                        name: 'formulacurrency',
                        summary: search.Summary.SUM
                    let remainingBalanceOnOrder = parseFloat(soTotal);
                    remainingBalanceOnOrder = parseFloat(remainingBalanceOnOrder)-parseFloat(totalPaid);
                    let salesorder = record.load({
                        type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
                        id: orderId,
                        isDynamic: true
                        fieldId: 'custbody_total_deposit_paid',
                        value: totalPaid
                        fieldId: 'custbody_balance_remaining',
                        value: remainingBalanceOnOrder
                    let id ={
                        enableSourcing: true,
                        ignoreMandatoryFields: true


This sample uses SuiteScript 2.1. For more information, see SuiteScript 2.1.

 * @NApiVersion 2.1
 * @NScriptType UserEventScript
 * @NModuleScope SameAccount

define(['N/record', 'N/search', 'N/log'], (record, search, log) => {
    function afterSubmit(scriptContext) {
        const contextOrder = scriptContext.newRecord;
        const soID =;
        const salesorder = record.load({
            type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
            id: soID
        const soTotal = salesorder.getValue({
            fieldId: 'total'
        const soEntity = salesorder.getValue({
            fieldId: 'entity'
        const soTranId = salesorder.getValue({
            fieldId: 'tranid'
        const soFullTextTranID = 'Sales Order #'+soTranId;
        const mySearch = search.load({
            id: 'customsearch_sobalancedue'
        const entityFilter = search.createFilter({
            name: 'entity',
            operator: search.Operator.ANYOF,
            values: soEntity
        const soIdFilter = search.createFilter({
            name: 'formulatext',
            operator: search.Operator.IS,
            formula: "CASE WHEN {type}='Customer Deposit' then {appliedtotransaction} when {type}='Deposit Application' then {createdfrom.salesorder} when {type}='Sales Order' then 'Sales Order #'||{number} end",
            values: soFullTextTranID
        mySearch.filters.push(entityFilter, soIdFilter);
        const soresults =; {
            let soTextID = soresults.getValue({
                name: 'formulatext',
                summary: search.Summary.GROUP
            if (soFullTextTranID === soTextID) {
                let totalPaid = soresults.getValue({
                    name: 'formulacurrency',
                    summary: search.Summary.SUM
                let remainingBalanceOnOrder = parseFloat(parseFloat(soTotal))-parseFloat(totalPaid);
                    fieldId: 'custbody_total_deposit_paid',
                    value: totalPaid
                    fieldId: 'custbody_balance_remaining',
                    value: remainingBalanceOnOrder
                let id ={
                    enableSourcing: true,
                    ignoreMandatoryFields: true
        afterSubmit: afterSubmit


General Notices