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ics:sendmail (Deprecated)

Deprecated; replaced by mail:send.



to (required)
Comma-separated list of the recipients to receive the message

replyto (optional)
E-mail address that you want replies to go to. If a value is not specified, replies go to the sender's address.

subject (required)
Subject of the message.

body (optional)
Body of the e-mail message.

contenttype (optional)
Type of content you are sending. The default is text/html.


The SendMail tag sends an SMTP message to one or more recipients. To send mail, the Sites properties file must contain valid values for the cs.emailhost and cs.emailreturnto properties. To receive mail, the Sites properties file must contain valid values for the cs.emailhost, cs.emailaccount, and cs.emailpassword properties.

Error Numbers

The possible values of errno include:

Cannot send mail.


The following example sends an e-mail message to joeuser and janeuser. The syntax of all parameter values must comply with SMTP syntax.

See Also


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