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Sets the target URL to which the information will ultimately be transmitted via the HTTP GET mechanism.



The URL to which the message is to be transmitted; the URL should include the payload.


Call setEncodeURL to establish the taget URL to which information will ultimately be transmitted when the post method executes. If you use setEncodeURL to establish the URL, the post method will transmit the information via the HTTP GET method. To transmit a message via the HTTP POST method, establish the target URL with setURL instead.

Because the HTTP GET method will ultimately be used, you must pass name/value pairs within URL. The setEncodeURL method ensures that the values are appropriately encoded. For example, if a space appears in the value portion of URL, setEncodeURL will translate it to %20.


Returns true if URL has valid URL format; otherwise, returns false.


The following registers a URL (target.oracle.com) and two two name/value pairs:

See Also

post , setEncodeURL , setURL


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