Setting Vendor-Specific Risk Confidence Settings

The Supply Chain Control Tower lets you set default values for how many days late you expect material to arrive from vendors. You can also set your confidence level that these materials will arrive. Your preferences are applied globally, but you can override these settings for each vendor.

When you create a new vendor record, these fields will automatically be set from the default values entered on the Control Tower Preferences. The default values on the Control Tower Preferences are 0 days late and 100 percent confidence. When you enable the Supply Chain Control Tower feature, these fields are added to existing vendor records and set to null.

To set risk confidence settings for a vendor:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Vendors.

  2. Click Edit beside the vendor you want to change.

  3. Under User Entry Predicted Risk, enter:

    • Predicted Days Late/Early - The number of days late or early you expect this vendor to provide the required material. To indicate days early, enter a negative number.

    • Predict Risk Confidence - the confidence, in percentage, you have that this vendor will provide the required material.

  4. Click Save.

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General Notices