Excluding Predicted Risks

NetSuite enables you to exclude irregular or rare supply and demand from your organization’s predictive model as they can negatively affect modeling accuracy. For example, you can remove one-off supplies that support a promotion from the model. Checking the Exclude from Predicted Risk box on a transaction line removes the line from the supply chain risk prediction model training and validation model.

To exclude predicted risk:

  1. Select a Purchase Order from the snapshot.

    Because the purchase order was created using a custom form, the Exclude from Predictive Risk column appears.

  2. Go to Customization > Form > Transaction Forms.

  3. On the Custom Transactions Forms page, beside click Custom Purchase Order, click Edit.

  4. On the Custom Transaction Form Sublist Fields subtab, check the Exclude From Predictive Risk box.

  5. Click Save.

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General Notices