Supported Field Type Conversions

When you edit a custom field and change the field type, the data that you have previously entered in that field is preserved whenever possible.

If you change the field type to a fundamentally different field type, existing data you had entered in that field is deleted. A warning message displays when you make a change. For example, changing a phone number field to a rich text field would preserve your data, whereas changing a date/time field to a check box field would not.

If you change the source list for a list/record field or a multiple select field, existing data in that field is not preserved. A warning message displays when you make a change.

Some types of conversions, such as a rich text field to another field type are not possible.

The following table lists supported field type conversions only.

From Field Type

To Field Type


  • Decimal Number

  • Percent

  • Currency

Integer Number

Value rounded to 0 decimal numbers.

  • Decimal Number

  • Percent


Value rounded to 2 decimal numbers.


  • Decimal

  • Currency

  • Percent

Converted without change.


  • Decimal

  • Currency

  • Percent

Converted without change.



Converted without change.



Converted without change.

  • Check Box

  • Currency

  • Date

  • Date/Time

  • Decimal Number

  • Email Address

  • Free-Form Text

  • Help

  • Hyperlink

  • Inline HTML

  • Integer Number

  • Password

  • Percent

  • Phone Number

  • Text Area

  • Time of Day

  • Free-Form Text

  • Text Area

Check Box is converted as follows:

  • Checked is converted to T

  • Cleared is converted to F


Multiple Select

List/Record type field remains unchanged. For example, you cannot change from Account to Customer.

  • Text

  • Text Area

  • Rich Text

  • Long Text

Converted without change.



Date/Time is the date and time in the user’s current time zone and is converted.

For information about the available field types in NetSuite, see Field Type Descriptions for Custom Fields.

Related Topics

General Notices