Editing Employee Records Using CSV Import for Effective Dating

You can bulk edit employee records using the Effective Dating feature and CSV import. This lets you update employee records as of a past, current, or future date. Prepare your CSV file for import by sorting it from past to future-dated changes. You may include the column’s Internal ID, Effective Date, Change Reason, and Change Reason Details.

To bulk edit employee records using CSV import:

  1. Go to Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records.

  2. Follow the steps on Importing CSV Files with the Import Assistant.

  3. During the Field Mapping step, ensure the Effective Dated fields in NetSuite are mapped to the corresponding fields in the CSV. The Effective Dated fields are Effective Date, Change Reason, and Change Reason Details.

  4. Confirm the CSV has the status Complete on the Job Status page after it has finished importing

The Set By field in the Effective Dated Log will be set to the logged-in user that performed the import.


Use Multi-Threading is disabled when importing a CSV with Effective Dated fields.


When dealing with Effective-Dated conflicts, NetSuite applies future-dated changes as they come up. For example, there is a future-dated change for March 1, 2020 and an effective dated change is imported for February 1, 2020. The February 1 change will be applied until March 1, when that change becomes effective.

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