Viewing an Employee’s Record as of a Date

If you use the Effective Dating feature, you can view many of the fields on an employee’s record as of a specified date.

To view an employee record as of a date:

  1. Go to Lists > Employees > Employees.

  2. Click View next to the name of the appropriate employee.

  3. On the employee record page, under Actions, click View As Of Date.

  4. In the Select Effective Date Information window, enter or select a date and then click OK.

    The employee record page is refreshed showing the Viewing As Of banner to indicate that you are viewing an effective-dated view of the employee record. Note that the fields that are not effective-dated are labeled.


    You can also click the Effective Date Log subtab to view all effective-dated changes made to the employee’s record. Use the Field and Change Reason filters to find specific changes.

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