Add a Map and Contact Information

To include a map with your store’s location, operating hours, and contact information about your website, add the Map & Contact content type to a page of your site using SMT.

To add a map and contact information:

  1. In your website, go to the page where you want to add a map and contact information.

  2. Log in to SMT.

    For more information about logging in to SMT, see Users and Roles in SMT.

  3. In Edit mode, click Add on the Site Management toolbar.

  4. Drag the Map & Contact content type to the page.


    If you do not see this content type, check that the extension has been installed and is active. Click Settings on the Site Management toolbar to access the Content Manager. Drag the content type from the Inactive Content Types list to the Active Content Type list.

    You can drag the Map & Contact content type to multiple areas on the page.

    For more information about the scopes of different SMT areas, see Area and Scope.

  5. Click Save.

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