Variables in Country-Specific Reports
To add a new variable, go to Customization > List, Records, & Fields > Record Types, locate the CSR -Variables record, and click the New Record link in this row. You can also click the List link in the same row to view a list of already existing variables (which also permits you to edit them).
Alternatively, you can go to Reports > Financial > Country-Specific Reports, select a report from the dropdown list and click Show Report. To view the variables in a report, click View Structure. You can then click on any variable in the report to edit.
For each variable, the following parameters must be set:
Name – Enter a name for your variable (use alphanumeric characters only). A name is usually a short text (for example, a label). If you decide to use this variable as text only, this text will be displayed in a corresponding cell of your report (for example, Trade Receivables).
Cell ID – Each variable is displayed in a particular cell of your report template. Every cell of your report template has an ID. Use this field to enter the cell ID for this variable. Valid Cell ID must start with a letter (A-Z) and it must not contain white spaces. Also, it must only consist of alphabetic characters, numeric characters, or the underscore (_) symbol. Finally, the Cell ID must be unique (you cannot have multiple variables with the same Cell ID in one report).
Report – Use this list to select a report to which you would like to add your new variable. Every variable must be assigned to at least one report. To add your variable to multiple reports, click their names in the list while holding the CTRL key.
Relative Period From / Relative Period To – Use these dropdown menus to choose a starting point and an end point for the date range of referenced data. Setting relative periods on variable level is required if you want the Net profit and Unrealized gains from previous periods to be properly displayed in your reports. The date range is defined relative to the date range of the current financial statement. When the current financial statement's date range is changed, the date range of the referenced value is adjusted accordingly.
Note that the inclusion or exclusion of start and end dates may vary according to the combination of options selected and the type of report being referenced. Be aware of how the values in these two dropdown lists can be used as shown in the following table:
End of Range Definition
Example Usage
Balance Forward
Beginning of Year
- (Exclusive)
- Ends on day before Beginning of Year
Balance Sheet, Retained Earnings Net Income row; referencing Income Statement, Income section
Balance Forward
Start Date
- (Exclusive)
- Ends on day before Start Date
Cash Flow Statement, Cash at Beginning of Period row; referencing Cash Statement, Bank Accounts section
Balance Forward
End Date
- (Inclusive)
- Ends on End Date
Balance Sheet, Net Income row; referencing Income Statement, Income section
Beginning of Year
Start Date
Not applicable
Note:This combination should not be used.
Beginning of Year
End Date
- (Inclusive)
- Ends on End Date
Start Date
End Date
- (Inclusive)
- Ends on End Date
Cash Flow Statement, Net Income row; referencing Income Statement, Income section
Important:The relative period defined for a variable applies to the individual lines added on the Sum of Values subtab. However, it doesn’t apply to the lines with the value type Variable selected. These lines are referencing other variables assigned to this report, which may be using a different relative period setting.
Display Hierarchy – Check this box if you want your report to display the variable's accounts in a hierarchy instead of a list. The hierarchy is based on the accounts' parent-child relationship in the Chart of Accounts.
If you want your variable to be text only, you don’t have to add anything else. However, if you want to create a math variable (that is, if you want this variable to contain calculated values), click the Sum of Values subtab. Use this subtab to add lines, thus applying various math operations, parameters, and conditions to your variable:
Math Method – Use this dropdown list to choose the basic role of this variable in a formula. Math variables can be either added or subtracted.
Account Type – You can set the variable to include accounts of a specific type. For example, you can set the variable to include only accounts receivables. In the report, this variable line will return the total balance of all accounts receivables.
Filter Account By – If you are filtering by account type, you can further filter the accounts by the following:
Account number
Account prefix
Range of account numbers
Range of account prefixes
Account regular expression
If you are not filtering by account type, you can filter accounts by the following:
Filter Value – You can add your filter criteria in this field based on the type of filter you selected. The following table shows examples of filter values if you are filtering account types or filtering accounts by CTA or variable:
For Filtering Account Types By
Filter Value
Account number
Enter an account number. For example, if you enter 1000, your variable will use an account that has the number 1000.
You can only use alphabetic and numeric characters, the underscore symbol (_), the period symbol (.), or the hyphen (-). Space is only allowed before or after the account number.
Accounts with numbers that contain characters that are not allowed will not be used in the report.
For example, 1010, 10a1, 10_A, 10.A, 10-A.
Account prefix
Enter an account number prefix (which refers to the beginning characters of an account number). For example, if you enter 1000, your variable will use accounts with the numbers 1000, 10001, 100099, and other numbers that start with 1000.
You can only use alphabetic and numeric characters, the underscore symbol (_), the period symbol (.), or the hyphen (-). Space is only allowed before or after the account prefix. You can add an asterisk (*) after the prefix but it is not required.
For example, 1010, 1010*, 10a1, 10_A, 10.A, 10-A.
Range of account numbers
Enter a range represented by two account numbers separated by a space, or a hyphen that is set off by spaces. For example, you can enter 1000 2000 or 1000 -2000. This means your variable will use the accounts with the numbers 1000, 2000, as well as the account numbers in between.
For the account numbers, you can use alphabetic and numeric characters, the underscore symbol (_), the period symbol (.), or the hyphen (-). Additional space is only allowed before or after the account number.
For example, 1010 1020, 1010 -1020, 10a1 -20a1, 10-a -20-a.
Range of account prefixes
Enter a range represented by two account number prefixes separated by a space, or a hyphen that is set off by spaces. For example, you can enter 1000 2000 or 1000 -2000. This means your variable will use the accounts with the numbers from 1000 (inclusive) to 2000 (inclusive), the numbers from 10000 (inclusive) to 20000 (inclusive), as well as the numbers from 10001 (inclusive) to 20001 (inclusive), and so on.
For the account number prefixes, you can only use alphabetic and numeric characters, the underscore symbol (_), the period symbol (.), or the hyphen (-). Additional space is only allowed before or after the account prefix. You can add the asterisk symbol (*) after the prefix but it is not required.
Examples: 1010 1020, 1010 -1020, 1010* -1020*.
Account regular expression
Filtering using regular expressions help to further specify the accounts that will be used by your variable. You can use regular expressions ?, !, (), $, ^, among other characters.
If you leave this field blank, all accounts with a number (meeting the formatting requirements) will be used by this variable. To meet the formatting requirements, the account number must only contain alphabetic and numeric characters, the underscore symbol (_), the period symbol (.), or the hyphen (-).
The following are examples of using regular expressions:
^100|^101|100$ – Uses all accounts with a prefix 100, a prefix 101, or a suffix 100
(?!^1001|^1002)^100|^200 – Uses all accounts with a prefix 100 or 200, except for accounts with a prefix 1001 or 1002
For Filtering Accounts By
Filter Value
With the Country-Specific Reports SuiteApp, you don’t have to use only values from NetSuite accounts. Values can also be drawn from other variables assigned to the same report. This is particularly useful if you want to display a sum or a difference of multiple variables. Use this field to enter the Cell ID of the variable that you would like to add or subtract. The parameter field cannot be left blank for this value type.
Important:Do not reference a variable to itself even indirectly.
Important:The relative period set for this variable does not apply to the lines with this value type. As these lines are referencing other variables assigned to this report, they may be using a different relative period setting.
The Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CTA) is used in consolidated reports for balancing accounts. This is necessary because the exchange rate types of the accounts (with multicurrency enabled) on reports may differ and different rates may be used. By choosing this value, you add the CTA to this variable definition. If there is at least one variable with the CTA defined in a report, it means that for this report, the CTA can be calculated.
The Value parameter field is disabled for this value type (as well as the Credit/Debit/Net field).
Important:If you have the Period End Journal feature installed, you must not add the CTA to your variables. Otherwise, the same entries will be double counted, leading to incorrect results. Go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features, click the Accounting subtab, and see if the Period End Journal Entries box is checked.
Note:If an accounting context has been set both for this NetSuite account and this report, account numbers and prefixes from it will be used. For more information, see Accounting Contexts.
Credit/Debit/Net – For each variable, you must select its type. It can be either a debit, a credit, or a net amount (balance). By default, the net amount option is selected.
There are several ways to calculate the net amount for variables. The default method is the system calculation. It uses values returned by the standard NetSuite search. However, in case of some reports, the final results might be distorted. It means that a different calculation methods must be set.
To change the net amount calculation method, go to Setup > Company > Preferences > General Preferences, click the Custom Preferences subtab, and select one of the options from the dropdown list in the Country-Specific Reports section.
The following methods for the net amount calculation are available:
System calculation – Values returned by the NetSuite system search will be used.
Debit minus Credit – Simple subtraction method.
Credit minus Debit – Simple subtraction method.
Variable Filters -Use this menu if you want this value to be added or subtracted from the report cell only under specific conditions (specific account balance).
If some conditional operators already exist (that is, they have been previously created and saved by you), you can select one of them from the dropdown menu.
If you want to create a new conditional operator, select -New - item from the list and in the new dialog, fill in the following fields:
Name – Insert a name for your custom conditional operator.
Conditional Operator – Choose the type of conditional operator. The following types are available: Less than, Less than or equal to, Greater than, Greater than or equal to. Once you set the type, the Condition Value field becomes visible.
Conditional Value – Use this field to specify an account balance that will be evaluated by the conditional operator selected above. Only numeric characters are allowed.
Apply to every account in range – Check this box to set this conditional operator to be individual. The difference between the standard and individual operators plays an important role when evaluating ranges of accounts or account prefixes. With standard operator selected, the total amount of all accounts within the range is being evaluated. However, if you choose the individual operator, every single account within the range will be evaluated separately. Therefore, only accounts that meet the specified condition will be used.
Note:If you want to create a conditional operator in advance (outside of the variable creation process), go to Customization > Lists, Records & Fields > Record Types, locate the CSR -Variable Filter record, click the New Record link in this row, and fill in the fields as described above.