Standard Day Reports

The standard day reports are a useful way to dissect a specific day's schedule, this could be throughout the use of a daily schedule for employees, or more important information that could be useful for management.

All day reports are spread over multiple pages, this is so that information isn't crammed, and it is to analysis specific parts of the reports.

These reports include:

Daily by Day

The daily by day report is an employee schedule report that gives a more in-depth look into the length of an employee's shift, this is useful as it reduces room for error when employees receive their schedule.


The daily is useful for management as it shows them an accurate analysis of the predicted costs and profits. This report can be compared next to an report to show the difference between the expected sales, and the sales.


Similar to a daily by day report, the daily report shows the employees schedule; this is a more efficient way to analysis the weekly schedule as it removes as much empty space by putting each day directly next to each other.

General Notices