Standard Week Reports

Standard week reports in multiple different ways to suit the needs of different employees and management. There are five types of reports that are pre-made for use; these reports are:

An report is a statement of a previous week outlining the shifts of all working employees, costs, sales, and other juicy information for management.

Printing off an report can help management compare statistics from numerous weeks, it also helps when preparing for future weeks, as you can adjust or change workers shifts according to productivity and sales.

Staff Report

The staff report is the typical schedule employees would see. This is something which can be printed out and hung up at work.

It contains shifts, any job roles, and total hours.

On the last page of this, any shift notes will be printed.

Multi-Unit Staff Report

The Multi-Unit Staff report creates a weekly shift report of two or more locations. This report is useful for any management employees overlooking multiple locations.

This type of report is also useful for employees who work at multiple locations.


like the employees report, but for management only.

The Report contains wage and KPI information of previous weeks.

General Notices