Tips for Passing Parameters Through URLs
Consider the following tips for using parameters correctly in links:
The leadsource parameter is used to pass the campaign ID into an online customer form. The campaign ID in the URL fills the Lead Source field on the online form.
To pass a partner code through a URL, use the partner parameter. Partner codes can let you keep the partner-customer relationship transparent to the customer by keeping the partner's name from appearing in the URL.
For check box fields, enter T as the value if you want the box checked. Enter F if you want the box clear. For example, a link that passes a parameter to a check box field would look like this:
You must spell and capitalize campaign IDs, partner names, and partner codes passed in the parameter exactly as the information on the respective record.
You can add as many parameters as you want to pass through to your online customer form. A link with multiple parameters should follow this format: ?compid=ACCT000000&formid=1&h=1bdc80a058?partner=Wilson%20 Computers&leadsource=March%202010%20Flyer
Each parameter beyond the first begins with an ampersand (&). Note that the first parameter, in this case compid, which is an internal parameter identifying your company, begins with a question mark (?). The partner and lead source parameters each begin with an ampersand.
Replace any spaces in your URLs with hyphens (-).
You may want to pass information into hidden fields on your online customer forms. Information in a hidden field saves to the customer record when the online form is submitted. However, the person filling out the form cannot see the field.
To hide a field on a form, check the box in the Hide column when selecting fields to include on your form.