Audit Trail for Saved Searches, Reports and Schedules
You can use SuiteAnalytics Workbook to query your NetSuite data using the analytics data source, which offers advanced query capabilities. For more information about SuiteAnalytics Workbook and how you can recreate your existing saved searches to workbooks, see the following topics:
Saved searches, saved reports, and report schedules use the Analytics Audit Trail for auditing changes. The analytics audit trail offers the following features:
Audit Trail Subtab -directly from the relevant Saved Search, Saved Report, or Report Schedule edit page, you can view the history of changes made to a search, report, or report schedule that you own. For more information, see Audit Trail Subtab.
Audit Trail Search -You can create custom saved searches to display audit trail data covering the Saved Searches, Saved Reports and Report Schedules that you own. For more information, see Audit Trail Search.
Execution of Saved searches is audited by the execution log. To view data on when the search was last run and by whom, see Auditing Saved Search Execution.
Execution log is available for saved searches only.