Selecting Available Filters for Saved Searches

The filters you define on the Criteria subtab of a saved search page exclude records from search results. On the Available filters subtab, you can define additional, optional filters that search viewers can use to further limit results, or that other system functions like KPI scorecards can use internally to calculate summaries and comparisons of results.

Available filters can appear as dropdown menus or multi-select boxes of field values in the filter region of search results, and viewers can select values to dynamically apply filtering to search results. You can define a custom label for each available filter's dropdown list or multi-select box.


To use a saved search as a custom KPI that displays results for multiple date ranges, you must define a date field as an available filter. You do not need to check the Show in Filter Region box. For additional requirements for this type of custom KPI, see Notes on Using Saved Searches as Custom KPIs.

To define available filters for a saved search:

  1. To define a field to be available as a dynamically set filter on search results, select the field from the Filter dropdown list.

    Fields from the selected record type and join fields from related record types are listed in the Filter dropdown list.

  2. For each filter that has non-numeric values, you can check the Show in Filter Region box to display choices of field values in the filter region of search results, so that search viewers can dynamically filter results.

    By default, field values are displayed in a dropdown menu where viewers can select one value at a time.

    Please note that there are limitations for certain filters included in the filter region. For details, see Limitations for filters displayed in the filter region.

  3. When the Show in Filter Region box is checked, you can check the Show as Multi-Select box to cause values to be displayed in a multi-select dropdown list, enabling you to select multiple values to filter search results.

    • In search results page filters, values are by default displayed in a single-select dropdown list.

    • The Show as Multi-Select option does not apply to available filters shown on search forms. Values for an available filter on a search form are always displayed in a multi-select dropdown list.

  4. For each filter, you have the option of defining a custom label.

A transaction saved search with the Type field defined as an available filter and the Show in Filter Region box checked displays a Type dropdown list on the results page, where a viewer can choose one type of transaction at a time to dynamically filter search results.

Saved Transaction Search example.

If the Show as Multi-Select box is checked, a multi-select box displays in the filter area so that you can choose multiple Type values to filter search results.

Show as Multi-Select box

Limitations for filters displayed in the filter region

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