Change of Sign for Expense Account Amounts in Transaction Saved Searches

Before Version 2014 Release 1, saved searches handled expense accounts as credit accounts instead of debit accounts. Consequently, transaction saved searches displayed positive amounts for credit posting transactions and negative amounts for debit posting transactions. Note that this behavior impacted saved searches only; it did not impact reports or accounting processes.

As of Version 2014 Release 1, saved searches handle expense accounts as debit accounts. Consequently, transaction saved searches display positive amounts for debit posting transactions and negative amounts for credit posting transactions. This change ensures that expense accounts are handled and displayed consistently throughout NetSuite.

You should look at all of your transaction saved searches that include results amounts associated with Expense accounts to review how these amounts are displayed .

The following table provides suggested formulas that you can use as a reference if you need to flip the sign of impacted amount fields in your transaction saved searches.

Result Field

Formula Field

Suggested Formula



DECODE({accounttype}, 'Expense', -1, 'Other Expense', -1, 'Cost of Goods Sold', -1, 1) *{amount}

Amount (Alt. Sales)


DECODE({accounttype}, 'Expense', -1, 'Other Expense', -1, 'Cost of Goods Sold', -1, 1) *{altsalesamount}

Amount (Alt. Sales Net)


DECODE({accounttype}, 'Expense', -1, 'Other Expense', -1, 'Cost of Goods Sold', -1, 1) *{altsalesnetamount}

Amount (Foreign Currency)


DECODE({accounttype}, 'Expense', -1, 'Other Expense', -1, 'Cost of Goods Sold', -1, 1) *{fxamount}

Amount (Gross)


DECODE({accounttype}, 'Expense', -1, 'Other Expense', -1, 'Cost of Goods Sold', -1, 1) *{grossamount}

Amount (Net)


DECODE({accounttype}, 'Expense', -1, 'Other Expense', -1, 'Cost of Goods Sold', -1, 1) *{netamount}

Amount (Net of Tax)


DECODE({accounttype}, 'Expense', -1, 'Other Expense', -1, 'Cost of Goods Sold', -1, 1) *{netamountnotax}

Amount (Transaction Total)


DECODE({accounttype}, 'Expense', -1, 'Other Expense', -1, 'Cost of Goods Sold', -1, 1) *{totalamount}

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