Use this operation to get the exchange rate between two currencies based on a certain date. The exchange rate values you are getting are those that appear in the Exchange Rate column of the Currency Exchange Rates table, which you can view at Lists > Accounting > Currency Exchange Rates.
The role used to execute this operation must have at least View level of the Currency permission (a Lists type permission).
The Multiple Currencies feature must be enabled in your account before using the getCurrencyRate operation. For information on enabling this feature, see Enabling the Multiple Currencies Feature.

The GetCurrencyRateRequest type is used for the request. This method accepts the argument CurrencyRateFilter. With this filter you specify what you want returned in the results.
If you do not specify anything in the filter, the resulting CurrencyRateList will contain all currency exchange rates (all combinations) for the actual date. For example, if you specify baseCurrency only (for example, Euro), you will get all rates for Euro {USD,YEN,SING,....}.
Element Name |
XSD Type |
Notes |
currencyRateFilter |
CurrencyRateFilter |
Filter the returned currency exchange rates using this filter. |
Element Name |
XSD Type |
Notes |
baseCurrency |
RecordRef |
References the base currency. This argument is optional. |
fromCurrency |
RecordRef |
References the from or “exchange” currency. This argument is optional. |
effectiveDate |
dateTime |
This argument is optional. If a date is not provided, the date defaults to the current date. |
The GetCurrencyRateResponse type is used for the response.
Element Name |
XSD Type |
Notes |
status |
Status |
The status for this operation. All applicable errors or warnings are listed within this type. |
currencyRate |
double |
Returns a list of available currency exchange rates. |
This operation can throw one of the following faults. See SOAP Fault Status Codes for more information on faults.
Sample Code
SOAP Request
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:soapenv="">
<ns1:passport soapenv:mustUnderstand="0" soapenv:actor="" xmlns:ns1="">
<ns2:email xmlns:ns2=""></ns2:email>
<ns3:password xmlns:ns3="">*******</ns3:password>
<ns4:account xmlns:ns4="">1234567</ns4:account>
<ns5:role internalId="37" xmlns:ns5=""/>
<getCurrencyRate xmlns="">
<ns6:baseCurrency internalId="2" xmlns:ns6=""/>
<ns7:fromCurrency internalId="1" xmlns:ns7="">
<ns8:effectiveDate xmlns:ns8="">2012-08
SOAP Response
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:soapenv="">
<platformMsgs:documentInfo xmlns:platformMsgs="">
<getCurrencyRateResponse xmlns="">
<platformCore:getCurrencyRateResult xmlns:platformCore="">
<platformCore:status isSuccess="true"/>
<platformCore:baseCurrency internalId="2"/>
<platformCore:fromCurrency internalId="1"/>
This sample shows how to get the actual rate for tomorrow and for USD to GBP.
public void getCurrencyRate() throws Exception
CurrencyRateFilter crf = new CurrencyRateFilter();
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, +1); //tomorrow
RecordRef currencyRef1 = new RecordRef();
currencyRef1.setInternalId("1"); //USD
RecordRef currencyRef2 = new RecordRef();
currencyRef2.setInternalId("2"); //GBP
GetCurrencyRateResult gcrr = _port.getCurrencyRate(crf);
CurrencyRateList crl = gcrr.getCurrencyRateList();
CurrencyRate cr = crl.getCurrencyRate(0);
Double rate = cr.getExchangeRate();
System.out.println("Exchange rate is = " + rate);
The mrr() method is a convenience method for specifying a record without the need to indicate a record type.
/* Make Record Ref out of an internalId */
public static RecordRef mrr(String internalId)
RecordRef toRet = new RecordRef();
return toRet;