Building an Application with Java using Apache Axis

This section provides details on how to use the Apache Axis framework (versions 1.3 and 1.4) to build a SOAP web services application.


The Java sample application available provides an in-depth look at how to build an application using Apache Axis and NetSuite SOAP web services. See Downloading Sample Applications for more information.

To use the Apache Axis framework with NetSuite SOAP web services:

  1. Install Java JDK 8.

    Download and install Java JDK 8. Ensure that the executables are available through the system path. This is required because all inbound and outbound secure communication must use TLS 1.2 or TLS 1.3.

  2. Install Apache Axis.

    1. Download and install Apache Axis from


      The instructions work only for Axis version 1.4.

    2. Download and install the Apache Axis patch for cookie management from NetSuite:

      The NetSuite Web service implementation requires the client application to support multiple cookies on one line, as is the standard for cookies. There is a bug in Apache Axis that puts each cookie on its own line in the HTTP Headers. The patch version of the axis.jar fixes this problem. After it is downloaded, replace the existing axis.jar file in the lib directory of your Axis root directory with this version.

    3. After it is installed, set an environment variable called AXIS_HOME to point to the Axis installation directory.

  3. Install Apache Ant (Optional).

    Download and install Apache Ant, version 1.5 or higher, from Apache Ant is a Java-based build tool that facilitates automation of the build process, including generating the proxy classes from the NetSuite WSDL.

    See the build.xml file in the Java sample application for a complete Ant build script.

  4. Configure Java to generate unreferenced types.

    Set the all parameter in your axis-wsdl2java ant task to true. For example:

                          <axis-wsdl2java timeout="360000" output="${generated.src.dir}" verbose="true" 
          url="${wsdl-1.3.url}" all="true" wrapArrays="true"> 
  5. Use Apache Ant to automatically generate the client proxy code.

    Using Apache Axis from the command line

    Use the WSDL2Java utility to generate the proxy classes as follows:

                                java -cp <classpath> org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java  -a -w -O 360000 <url> 

    Where the <classpath> points to the appropriate Apache Axis JAR files and <url> is the URL for the NetSuite WSDL.

    For example, the following commands will set the class path and generate the proxy classes:

                %AXIS_HOME%\lib\saaj.jar;>java -cp %CP% org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java 

    Using the Apache Axis task in Apache Ant

    Create a build target that uses the WSDL2Java Ant task as follows where the ${generated.src.dir} variable is the directory where the source code is generated and the ${wsdl.url}variable points to the NetSuite WSDL.

                                <target name="generate.interfaces" description="Generates 
                client interfaces using Axis">
                <echo>Generating client interfaces using Apache Axis</echo>
                <axis-wsdl2java output="${generated.src.dir}" verbose="true" 
                <mapping namespace="" 
  6. Ensure that the Ant executables are available on the system path. Run the Ant task as follows:

                          ant generate.interfaces 
  7. Implement your application by writing your business logic using the generated axis proxy classes.

    1. Locate the NetSuite service.

                                      NetSuiteServiceLocator service = new NetSuiteServiceLocator(); 
    2. Enable support for multiple cookie management.

                                      service.setMaintainSession( true ); 
    3. Get the NetSuite port.

                                      NetSuitePortType port = service.getNetSuitePort(); 
    4. Create a valid session by populating the Passport object and then invoking the login operation.

                                      passport.setEmail( "" );
                  passport.setPassword( "<SOAP web services password>" );
                  role.setid( "3" );
                  passport.setRole( role );
                  passport.setAccount( "TSTDRV96" );
                  Status status = port.login( passport ).getStatus(); 
    5. Implement your business logic. For example, create a new customer in NetSuite.

                                      Customer cust = new Customer();
                  cust.setEntityID( "XYZ Inc" );
                  WriteResponse response = port.add( cust ); 
    6. Log out to invalidate the current session.


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