Accessing the NetSuite Account Center
The NetSuite Account Center portlet is located on the Support tab. What you see in the portlet depends on whether you have been assigned either the NetSuite Support Center role or the NetSuite Support Center (Basic) role. Not many employees of any company are assigned to either of these roles, so you should not expect to have access.
To access the NetSuite Account Center:
Click the Support tab to view the NetSuite Account Center portlet.
For most users, the portlet displays a message indicating you do not have permission. If you feel that you should have permission to this portlet and the NetSuite Account Center, contact your account administrator.
If the portlet displays a link, click the link to access the NetSuite Account Center.
Employees given access might need to log out and log back in again to refresh the portlet to see the NetSuite Account Center link.
Employees with permission access the NetSuite Account Center from the same portlet whether they are assigned the NetSuite Support Center or the NetSuite Support Center (Basic) role. The difference is in the functions they are able to perform after they enter the center. The NetSuite Account Center displays the following portlets and tabs:
On the Customer Center -Home Links portlet – users with the NetSuite Support Center role may make payments, review statements, transactions, and estimates, review support cases and issues, edit the user profile, and contact Support. Users with the NetSuite Support Center (Basic) role can view support cases and issues and contact Support.
Note:If you do not have permission to view cases (even a case that you may have submitted) contact your NetSuite account administrator. The administrator should be able to check on the status of the case for you.
On the Multi Language Support tab – NetSuite provides online case support in English, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Japanese, Latin American Spanish, and Portuguese(Brazil). To submit a case in one of these languages, click Cases and select the preferred language from the dropdown or click the country logo.
On the SuiteIdeas tab – Click the link to launch the SuiteIdeas site and review and vote for NetSuite product enhancements. For information, see Voting for Enhancements.
Exiting the NetSuite Account Center is slightly different than the usual procedure for switching to another role.
To exit the NetSuite Account Center:
Locate your name and role at the top right of any NetSuite page.
Hover over the Change Roles list, and select View My Roles.
On the My Roles page, click the desired role.
Note:In some instances, you will also see the Return to Previous Role option in the Change Roles list. You should select View My Roles.
To give an employee access to the NetSuite Account Center portlet:
Go to Lists > Employees > Employees.
Click Edit next to the name of the employee you want to give access.
On the Access subtab, select NetSuite Support Center or NetSuite Support Center (Basic) in the Role field.
Click Add.
Click Save.