Go To Record Action

Use the Go To Record action to redirect users to a record in NetSuite. The record type to redirect to does not have to be the same record type as the workflow's base record type.


Workflow definitions require a trigger configuration that initiates the workflow, executes an action within a workflow or transitions the workflow from one state to another.

Go To Record Action Parameters

The following table describes the Go To Record action parameters and the values you must use to create a record or redirect to a specific record:



Record Type

Type of record to redirect to. The available fields in the table change dynamically depending on the Record Type selection.

Open in edit mode

When selected, the record the user is redirected to, opens in edit mode. This property only applies if you specify a value in the Record ID field.

Record (Join Field)

Use this field to use a join to get the ID of a record to redirect to.

Select the record type to create the join from, and the Value Field to use from the selected record type.


Field values to populate when creating the record on redirection. For each field, select the field name, set the appropriate field value in the applicable column, and click Add.

For more information, see Setting Field Values in Action Definitions.


For more information about adding actions to a workflow, including common action properties and conditions, see Action Conditions and Creating an Action.

Go To Record Action Guidelines

Use the following guidelines when working with the Go To Record action.

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General Notices