Setting Up an External Catalog Site

To set up an External Catalog Site, you must modify your website HTML and define settings in NetSuite. In NetSuite you define how your customers navigate between your website, the shopping cart, registration, and checkout.

Before you can enter URLs, you must enable the External Catalog Site (WSDK) feature at Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features. You must also check the WSDK box on the Setup subtab of the Web Site Setup record found at Commerce > Websites > Website List.

To enter the URLs that take customers from NetSuite back to your site:

  1. Go to Commerce > Websites > Website List.

  2. Click Edit next to the site you want to modify.

  3. On the Setup subtab, check the WSDK box.

  4. Click the External subtab.

  5. Enter the correct URLs for each field. Use the following format for the URLs:

  6. When you have finished, click Submit.

Integrating your WSDK HTML

To integrate the product information that exists in NetSuite with your website, you must copy and paste the links, URLs, and scripts provided by NetSuite into your website HTML. The links provided by NetSuite will take customers from your site to the shopping cart, customer registration page, and checkout. HTML and URLs for querying items enable you to display the products you want to sell on your site. The HTML and URLs provided to you are dynamically generated by NetSuite based on information entered in your account.

To see these scripts, you must have the External Catalog Site (WSDK) feature enabled, and you must have the WSDK box checked on the Setup subtab of the Web Site Setup page at Commerce > Websites > Website List.

To access your External Catalog Site scripts:

  1. Go to Commerce > Websites > Preview Website.

  2. Under the External Catalog Site Tools heading, click Links from your site back into NetSuite.

    The page that is displayed shows links and scripts you must use to integrate your site with the NetSuite shopping cart, checkout, and the customer login and registration system.

  3. Paste the links into your website HTML to take your shoppers from your website to the shopping cart, checkout page, customer login pages, as well as the registration page for new customers. You can also copy and paste scripts that recognize and welcome the customers browsing your store. By default, these scripts display the number of items your customers have in their shopping carts and the current subtotal of items in your customers' shopping carts.

  4. Go back to the Preview Web Site page. Click HTML and URLs for querying items.

    The page that is displayed shows the list of items you made available online.

  5. Click Item Script Page next to each item you want to display on your site. A page with the appropriate scripts for the item is displayed.

  6. Paste the scripts into your website HTML. You can display the add to cart button and other information for each item. You are not required to add every script on this page to your website HTML. Choose which scripts you want to use. Because you created item records in the system, and you are tracking inventory in NetSuite, inventory status information is up-to-date.


    You have the option to use your primary custom domain in WSDK links and scripts. You can replace the default domain displayed on the page with your primary site domain. Use the domain found on your website record ( Commerce > Websites > Website List), on the Domains subtab, marked as the Primary Web Site URL.

  7. (Optional) You can modify the Add Item To Cart HTML to set the page where online shoppers are directed when they choose to continue shopping. Follow the instructions on the page.

    For more information, read URL Parameters for Adding Items to the Cart.

After you finish pasting URLs and scripts into your website HTML, your External Catalog Site is ready for customers.

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