Displaying an HTML Site in a NetSuite Tab
You can display a custom HTML website as a tab in your NetSuite website. For more information on uploading a custom website, see Hosting HTML Websites with NetSuite Site Builder.
When you create a tab for your custom HTML website, you can use the custom site in conjunction with the NetSuite shopping cart and checkout. This lets you take orders in NetSuite through your own site.
The Web Site Hosting feature must be enabled in your account to make your HTML site a custom tab. An Administrator can enable this feature at Setup > Company > Enables Features > Web Presence.
To display an HTML site as a tab:
Go to Commerce > Site Builder > Content Management > Tabs.
Click New Hosted Tab.
In the Label field, enter a name for your custom tab.
This name shows on the tab in the website.
In the Web Site Page field, select the file name of your HTML website.
The URL for your page from the file cabinet record fills in the URL field above.
Note:Your HTML file should use either the <NLPAGETABS> or <NLPAGETOP> tags to integrate with the other tabs of your site.
Check the Display in Web Site box to make this tab available to anyone who visits your site.
If you have the Intranet feature enabled, you can clear this checkbox and select individuals or groups below that you want to view the tab after they log in or register.
Click Save.
Now, when a customer clicks this tab, they are taken to your custom website.