Creating Site Categories

To organize information and items for sale on your website, put them in categories. Categories must be associated with presentation tabs for them to display on your website.

For example, a buyer can click on the Cameras category to see a list of products available.

Use the presentation tab record to organize which categories display on a tab and in which order. For more information, see Arranging Web Store Categories.

If your NetSuite account was created prior to 2007, you can use the Specials category to display certain items on your website. For more information, see Using the Specials Category.

Adding Items to Site Categories

Use the Basic subtab on the category record in NetSuite to choose items and subcategories for display in a certain category.

To make sure your web store pages load as quickly as possible, do not put more than 50 items in each category. Set up enough categories and subcategories to make browsing easy for your customers. The Web store displays up to 1,000 items per category. Although, you can add more than 1,000 items to a category, any items over that limit are displayed only in search results.

Note that when editing and saving a category with more than 10,000 items, any changes you make to the sublist are not processed or saved. Editing tasks include: adding new items, deleting old ones, and reorganizing items in the category. This is done to reduce the potential for slow Web site performance.

To create a category:

  1. Go to Commerce > Site Builder > Content Management > Categories.

  2. You can also create new categories using the Web Site Content Manager at Commerce > Site Builder > Content Management > Content Manager. In the New header, click Category.

    For more information about the Content Manager, see Site Builder Web Site Content Manager.

    Or, you can use the Import Assistant to import site category data into NetSuite from CSV file contents. See Site Category Import.

  3. On the Site Category page, enter a name in the Category field.

  4. Select the site where you want the category to display.

  5. In the Subcategory of field, choose a tab or parent category from the list.

    For example, if this is a category you want to appear on your Catalog tab, select Catalog.

  6. In the Category List Layout field, select a layout for the list of subcategories you place in this category.

    Category layouts allow you to customize your site by presenting your categories and category lists in the design of your choice. For more information on layouts, see Creating and Editing Website Layouts.

  7. In the Item List Layout field, select a layout for the list of items you place in this category.

  8. In the Related Items List Layout field, select a layout for your related items list. Use related items to cross-sell items that complement each other. For more information, see Related Items.

  9. Check the Display in Web Site box to display this category to everyone who visits your site.

  10. Click Save to make the category available on your website.


For the fields listed under the Audience subtab, if you enable the Select All option for a field that does not have any value listed under it, the items in this category or sub category will not be displayed on your website.

To remove this category from your site, check the Inactive box on the category record or click the Delete button. To display the category in an intranet site in your NetSuite account, make a selection on the Audience subtab. For more information, see Publishing Categories Internally.

Use the subtabs on the category record to add content.

Basic Subtab

  1. On the Basic subtab, write brief and detailed descriptions in the appropriate fields.

    Brief descriptions display on your website directly below the category name and can have 999 characters. Detailed descriptions can have 4,000 characters. The detailed description displays on the item list page where customers add items to the shopping cart.

    Description fields can have letters, numbers, punctuation, and HTML. For more information, see Using HTML in Description Fields.

  2. In the Page Title field, enter a name for your website page. This will appear in the HEAD element of the HTML source code for the website page. For more information, see Adding Page Titles in Site Builder.

  3. In the Meta Tag HTML field, enter a META tag for the category which is added to the HEAD element of the HTML source code for the page. For more information, see Adding META Tags in Site Builder .

  4. If you use the Descriptive URL feature, the URL Component field displays. Enter a name for this category that you want to show in the URL that points to the page. If you leave this field blank, the category name is used.


    The name you use as a URL component cannot be a reserved character string in the NetSuite application. If you enter a reserved character string, then you will be notified with a popup alert message. You can enter a different URL component to continue.

    For more information see Descriptive URLs in Site Builder.

  5. In the Search Keywords field, enter alternate names for this category that customers can use in the Search field on your web store to find this category. For more information, see Setting Up Alternate Search Keywords.

At the bottom of the Basic subtab, add the items you want to appear in this category.

Media Subtab

  1. Select a thumbnail image for your category in the Thumbnail field. This thumbnail appears with your category in your website.

  2. Select an image for your category in the Image field. This image only appears in your website with a layout that uses full-size images. If you select an image and do not select one of the Basic layout templates, or a custom layout template that you create, only the thumbnail image appears.

    For more information about layout templates, see Item and Category Templates.

    You can set default sizes for images. For more information on setting default sizes for images, see Resizing Images.

Audience Subtab

In the Audience subtab, select individual names or group names to give them access to this Category. If you select a group, employee, and a partner, the user must be a member of the group or be the employee selected or be the partner selected to access this Category.

The Groups list contains both static and dynamic groups. If you publish a category to a dynamic group, for performance reasons, the tab's audience is a snapshot of the dynamic group members. The snapshot is updated twice a day.

You should not enable the Select All option for the fields that do not have any values listed under them. If you enable the Select All option for such fields, the items in this category or sub category will not be displayed on your website.

If you want to publish this category to an intranet, see Publishing Categories Internally.

Translation Subtab

If you use the Multi-Language feature, the Translation subtab will appear after saving a new category record. You can enter translated text for specific fields. For more information, see Setting Up a Site for Multiple Languages.

Tag Substitution Subtab

If you use Advanced Site Customization, the Tag Substitution subtab will appear after saving a new category. See Defining Custom Web Site Tags for information on substituting custom tags.

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