Offering Gift Wrap on the Web Store

The code sample below depends on a custom item field you create that contains the gift wrap price. When the shopper in the web store checks a box on an item record, the script adds a line item for gift wrap to the sales order.


Per line item taxing must be disabled to use scriptable cart for offering gift wrap in the web store. Note that when the charge for gift wrap is inserted into the sales order, a tax code is not specified for per line item taxing.


Use the steps below to create the custom fields, and the gift wrap item record required to run the sample script.

  1. Create a custom field on item records for giftwrap pricing.

    1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Item Fields > New.

    2. In the Label field, enter Gift Wrap Price.

    3. On the Applies To subtab, check the boxes for the item types you offer for sale online.

    4. In the Type list, select Currency.

    5. Click Save.

  2. Create a transaction item option on item records to show the value you enter in the Gift Wrap Price field.

    1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Item Options > New.

    2. In the Label field, enter Gift Wrap Cost.

    3. In the ID field, enter giftwrapcost.


      After you save the transaction item option, the value for ID automatically changes to custcolgiftwrapcost. The sample script depends on this value for ID.

    4. In the Type list, select Currency.

    5. On the Applies To subtab:

      • Check the Sale box.

      • Check the Web Store box.

      • In the Items list, select the items for which you offer gift wrap

    6. On the Display subtab, set Display type to disabled. This step prevents shoppers on the web store shopper from changing the gift wrap price you set.

    7. On the Sourcing & Filtering subtab:

      • Set the Source List to Item.

      • Select Gift Wrap Price in the Source From list.

    8. Click Save.

  3. Create a second transaction item option to display a check box on the web store where shoppers can trigger the script by flagging an item for gift wrap.

    1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Item Options > New.

    2. In the Label field, enter Gift Wrap.

    3. In the ID field, enter giftwrapped.


      After you save the transaction item option, the value for ID automatically changes to custcolgiftwrapped. The sample script depends on this value for ID.

    4. Set the Type list to Check box.

    5. On the Applies to subtab:

      • Check the Sale box.

      • Check the Web Store box.

      • Select the items for which you offer gift wrap in the Items list.

    6. Click Save.

  4. Create the gift wrap item record to be added to orders where the shopper checked the Gift Wrap box.

    1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items > New.

    2. Select a Non-inventory Item type.

    3. In the Item Name/Number field, enter Gift Wrap.

    4. Check the Display in Web Site box. This is required so the gift wrap item can be added to the cart along with the item to be gift wrapped.

    5. Enter a price on the item record.

    6. Click Save.


      Remember the internal ID number for this gift wrap item. You will use it in the Scriptable Cart code sample.

  5. Create a third transaction item option for the script to capture the internal ID for the gift wrap item record. This field is not visible to shoppers.

    1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Item Options > New

    2. In the Label field, enter Gift Wrap Item ID.

    3. In the ID field, enter giftwrapitemid.


      After you save the transaction item option, the value for ID automatically changes to custcolgiftwrapitemid. The sample script depends on this value for ID.

    4. Set the Type list to Free-Form Text.

    5. On the Applies to subtab:

      • Check the Sale box.

      • Check the Web Site box.

      • Check the Hidden box.

    6. On the Display subtab, set Display Type to Hidden.

    7. Click Save.

  6. Create a transaction body field to detect recursion of the recalc function. Using this flag allows new lines to be inserted into the item machine without triggering the script to run multiple times.

    1. Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Body Field > New.

    2. In the Label field, enter processing.

    3. In the ID field, enter processing.


      After you save the transaction item option, the value for ID automatically changes to custbodyprocessing. The sample script depends on this value for ID.

    4. On the Applies to subtab, check the Sale box.

    5. On the Display subtab, set Display Type to Hidden.

    6. Click Save.

Create the Code

function customRecalc(type, action)

          // In Scriptable Cart, action can only be 'commit' or 'remove'. 
if (nlapiGetFieldValue('custbodyprocessing') == "T") {return;}
nlapiSetFieldValue('custbodyprocessing', "T");
if (type == 'item')

          //BEGIN GIFT WRAP 
function recalcGiftWrap(action)
   debug('Giftwrap recalc called for '+action); 

             // Substitute the internal ID for the gift wrap item you created in your account.
var giftwrapId = 386; 

             // Array of gift wrapped items and their quantities.
var wrappedItemsQty = new Array(); 

          // Array of internal item IDs and their associated gift wrap prices and their corresponding gift 
// wrap line numbers.
   var wrapCost = new Array();
   var itemDesc = new Array();
   var wrapLines = new Array();
   var numlines = nlapiGetLineItemCount('item');
   debug('numlines = '+numlines);
   for (var i=1; i <= numlines; i++)
      var itemId = getVal('item', i); 

                // If a line with gift wrap is found, then note the line and go to the next line.
  if (itemId == giftwrapId)
         var relatedItemId = getVal('custcolgiftwrapitemid', i);
         wrapLines[relatedItemId] = i;
      if (isEmpty(getVal('custcolgiftwrapcost', i)))

          // Ignore any items with no gift wrap cost. 
         debug("ignoring line "+i+", giftwrapcost is "+getVal('custcolgiftwrapcost', i));

          // Store the gift wrap cost and description for this item.
    wrapCost[itemId] = getVal('custcolgiftwrapcost', i); 

          // This item has a gift wrap cost, so accumulate it in our map. 
      var lineQty = parseInt(getVal('quantity', i)); 

          // Count this row as zero if the gift wrap check box is false and remove any gift wrap items that are not needed. 
      if (getVal('custcolgiftwrapped',i) == 'F') { lineQty = 0; }
      if (itemId in wrappedItemsQty) 

          // Accumulate the quantity. 
         wrappedItemsQty[itemId] = wrappedItemsQty[itemId] + lineQty;
         wrappedItemsQty[itemId] = lineQty; 

          // Initialize. 
      debug('Accumulated giftwrap qty for item '+itemId+' is '+wrappedItemsQty[itemId]);

             // Look at each giftwrapped item and make sure that the quantities are correct.
for (var nxtItem in wrappedItemsQty)
      var numWrapsNeeded = wrappedItemsQty[nxtItem];
      debug(numWrapsNeeded+' wraps needed for item '+nxtItem); 

          // If a row exists for an item that includes gift wrap, check if it needs to be updated. 
      if (nxtItem in wrapLines)
         var giftWrapLineNum = wrapLines[nxtItem];
         var numWrapsCurrent = getVal('quantity', wrapLines[nxtItem]); 

          // Update the quantity on the gift wrap item if needed. 
         if (numWrapsCurrent != numWrapsNeeded)
            debug('Update to '+numWrapsNeeded+ ' giftwraps needed for item ID '+nxtItem+' line '+giftWrapLineNum);
            nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'quantity', numWrapsNeeded,true);
debug('Current Gift Wrap Quantity is ' + nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue('item','quantity'));
      else if (numWrapsNeeded > 0) 

             // If a gift wrap item does not exist, but it is needed, insert it.   
         debug('Insert '+numWrapsNeeded+' giftwraps found for item ID '+nxtItem);
         nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'item', giftwrapId, true , true); 

          // Set quantity first, and rate second, because changing quantity automatically updates the rate. 
         nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'quantity', numWrapsNeeded, false , true);
         nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'custcolgiftwrapitemid', nxtItem, false, true);

          // Finally, look for orphan gift wrap items and delete them. 
   for (var nxtItem in wrapLines)
      if (!(nxtItem in wrappedItemsQty))
         var line = wrapLines[nxtItem];
         debug('Orphan giftwrap found for item '+nxtItem+' on line '+line);
         nlapiSelectLineItem('item', line);
         nlapiRemoveLineItem('item', line);

function isEmpty(val)
return (val == null || val == '');
function isNotEmpty(val)
return !isEmpty(val);
function getVal(colName, linenum)
return nlapiGetLineItemValue('item',colName,linenum);

          // This function updates the rate and also recalculates the correct value for amount. 
function setCurrentLineRate(rate)
   nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'rate', rate, true, true);
   var qty = parseInt(nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'quantity'));
   var amount = qty * rate;
   nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'amount', amount, true, true);

          // This function returns a map with the internal ID for the item as
the key and the total
// quantity for that item in the value. It sums items when the same
item appears on different
// lines on the sales order. If passed a non-null filter value, item
types that match the filter are
// excluded. 
function getItemMap(excludeFilter)
   if (isNotEmpty(excludeFilter))
      debug('getItemMap called with filter '+excludeFilter);
   var itemMap = new Array();
   var numLines = nlapiGetLineItemCount('item');
   for (var i=1; i<= numLines; i++)

          // Include only items that match the filter. 
      var itemType = nlapiGetLineItemValue('item','itemtype',i);
      if (isNotEmpty(excludeFilter) && itemType == excludeFilter)
         debug('Ignoring line '+i+', itemType '+itemType+' excluded');
      var itemId = nlapiGetLineItemValue('item','item',i);
      var nextQty = parseInt(nlapiGetLineItemValue('item','quantity',i));
      debug('Item '+itemId+' of type '+itemType+' added to item map');
      if (itemId in itemMap)

          // Add the quantities if other lines in the list machine include the same item. 
         nextQty = nextQty + parseInt(itemMap[itemId]);
      debug('Item Id '+itemId+' has updated quantity to '+nextQty+' because of line #'+i);
      itemMap[itemId] = nextQty;
   return itemMap;

          // This function rounds the input to two decimal places. 
function roundOff(amount)
   return Math.round(amount*100000)/100000;
function debug(msg) { alert(msg); }


Deploy Your Script to the Shopping Cart

NetSuite recommends that you test your script thoroughly before running it in the shopping cart. You must follow a series of steps to load the script into your NetSuite account, and then run the script for testing purposes.

For details, see Deploying and Running Scriptable Cart.

Related Topics

General Notices