Dynamic Discounts

Use SuiteScript to apply a discount to an order when the total in the shopping cart reaches or exceeds the threshold order amount that you set for each currency you use online.

There are two different approaches you can use:


Use the steps below to create the discount item and the custom records required to run the sample script.

  1. Create a discount item record. The value you enter in the Rate field is the discount amount applied to all orders that reach or exceed the threshold amount you set.

    • Go to Lists > Accounting > Items > New.

    • Select Discount.

    • Enter a name for the discount, select an Account, and enter a value in the Rate field.

    • Click Save.

  2. Create a new custom record type to track the order amount required to receive a discount for each currency you use on your web store.

    1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Type > New.

    2. In the Label field, enter a name for this custom record.

    3. In the ID field enter _threshold.


      After you save the custom record, the value for ID automatically changes to custrecord_threshold. The sample script depends on this value for ID.

    4. Check the following boxes on the Custom Record Type page: Include Name, Use Permissions, and Show Notes. Clear all other check boxes.

    5. On the Permissions subtab set permissions as described below. Note that your script will rely upon the permissions you set here to access information in the custom records.

      • Select Shopper in the Role column; set the Level column to View. Click Done.

      • Select Customer Center in the Role column; set the Level column to View. Click Done.

  3. Click Save.

  4. On the Fields subtab, click New Fields to add two new fields to this custom record.

    1. The first field is Threshold Currency this is a list field where you can select each currency exposed in your web store. Later, you will link this field to the threshold amount an order must exceed to receive the discount.

      • In the Label field, enter Threshold Currency.

      • In the ID field, enter _currencyid.


        After you save the new field, the value for ID automatically changes to custrecord_currencyid. The sample script depends on this value for ID.

      • In the Type list, select List/Record.

      • For List/Record, select Currency.


        Currency only displays as an option in this list if you use the Multiple Currencies feature.

      • Check the Store Value box and the Show in List box.

      • On the Validation & Defaulting subtab, check the Mandatory box.

      • On the Access subtab, set Default Access Level to Edit. Also set the Default Level for Search/Reporting to Edit.

      • Click Save.

    2. The second field on the custom record is Discount Threshold. This field will contain the order total amount required in the shopping cart to receive the discount.

      • In the Label field, enter Discount Threshold.

      • In the ID field, enter _discount_threshold.


        After you save the new field, the value for ID automatically changes to custrecord_discount_threshold. The sample script depends on this value for ID.

      • In the Type list, select Currency.

      • Check the Store Value box and the Show in List box.

      • On the Validation & Defaulting subtab, check the Mandatory box.

      • On the Access subtab, set Default Access Level to Edit. Also set the Default Level for Search/Reporting to Edit.

      • Click Save.

  5. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types. Click on the custom record you created in Step 1.

  6. On the Custom Record Type page, click View Records.

  7. Click New at the bottom of the page to enter records for each currency available on your website.

    For example, if you use two currencies, USA and Euro, create two records for this custom record type each named for a different currency. On each record, select the appropriate currency in the Threshold Currency list. Next, in the Discount Threshold field, enter the amount shoppers must reach or exceed to receive the discount.

Create the Code

function customOnChange(type, name, linenum)
   if (name == 'promocode')
function customRecalc(type, action)

          // On the web store, action can only be 'commit' or 'remove'.    
if (type == 'item')

          // DYNAMIC DISCOUNT 
function calculateDiscount()

          // ID of the discount that will be applied.
   var discountId = 383;
   var currencyId = nlapiGetFieldValue('currency');
   var customerId = nlapiGetFieldValue('entity');
   if (isEmpty(currencyId) || isEmpty(customerId) || customerId == '0')
//Load custom threshold record for this currency 

             debug('Loading threshold record for currency id '+currencyId);
   var filter = new nlobjSearchFilter('custrecord_currencyid', null, 'is', currencyId);
   var column = new nlobjSearchColumn('custrecord_discount_threshold');
   var searchresults = nlapiSearchRecord('customrecord_threshold', null, filter, column);
   var subtotal = parseFloat(nlapiGetFieldValue('subtotal'));
   debug('Subtotal is '+subtotal); 

             // If there is no value for threshold associated with a currency or discount, remove the
// discount line.
if (isEmpty(searchresults))
      debug('No threshold for this currency, removing discount');
      nlapiSetFieldValue('discountitem', '');
   if (isNotEmpty(searchresults))

          // Get the threshold value and current subtotal.
var threshold = searchresults[0].getValue('custrecord_discount_threshold');
      debug('Threshold for this currency is '+threshold); 

                // If a threshold exists, and the promotion code does not exist, then add a promocode when the
// threshold is exceeded.
if (subtotal >= threshold)
         debug('Our subtotal '+subtotal+' is over the threshold of '+threshold+' - adding discount');
         nlapiSetFieldValue('discountitem', discountId);

                // If a threshold value exists, and the promotion code exists, then remove the discount line
// when the order total is below the threshold.
if (subtotal < threshold)
         debug('Subtotal below threshold of '+threshold+' - removing discount');
         nlapiSetFieldValue('discountitem', '');

function isEmpty(val)
   return (val == null || val == '');
function isNotEmpty(val)
   return !isEmpty(val);
function getVal(colName, linenum)
   return nlapiGetLineItemValue('item',colName,linenum);
function debug(val)
   nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', val);


Deploy Your Script to the Shopping Cart

NetSuite recommends that you test your script thoroughly before running it in the shopping cart. You must follow a series of steps to load the script into your NetSuite account, and then run the script for testing purposes.

For details, see Deploying and Running Scriptable Cart.

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General Notices