Customizing Support Notification Email

When you create or make changes to case records, you can set up automatic email notifications that are sent to customers and support reps. Standard templates are used by default for these notifications. These can be edited by going to Setup > Company > Email > System Email Templates. You can also create custom templates for each type of notification in the following scenarios:

For example, Wolfe Electronics support manager changes the font and text size of the standard notification sent customers when a new case is created. The manager also adds the company logo and changes the wording of the standard message.


Assignment notifications are not sent when the logged in user is the new assignee. Also, update notifications are not sent when the logged in user is the assignee. You can work around this limitation by creating a SuiteScript that sends a notification to the logged in user after the case is submitted.

There are three steps to setting up custom notifications:

  1. Creating your template.

  2. Uploading your template.

  3. Selecting the custom template at Setup > Support > Preferences > Support Preferences.

If you use NetSuite OneWorld, set the notifications to use for each subsidiary.

For more information, see Setting Subsidiary-Level Support Preferences.


Automatic email notifications do not affect the initial response time. For more information, see Performance Metrics for Support Cases.

Related Topics

General Notices