Offering Support for Items
You can choose to offer support for items in addition to support issues. This can help you filter your case load even more accurately. You can assign cases dealing with a specific item to a support rep who specializes in that item.
For example, Wolfe Electronics decides to offer support for the Creativo 2400. Tom, a support rep, is an expert on the Creativo 2400. When cases arrive on the Creativo 2400, they are quickly assigned to Tom.
You can choose to offer support for the following types of items:
Assembly/Bill of Materials
Noninventory items for sale or resale
Other charge items for sale or resale
Service items for sale or resale
You choose to offer support for an item on the item record.
To offer support for an item:
Go to Lists > Accounting > Items.
Click Edit next to the item you want to offer support for.
On the item record, click the Preferences subtab.
Check the Offer Support box.
Click Save.
Support reps or customers can choose this item in the Item field on case records or online case forms. You can then quickly assign it to the person or group who has the most expertise on the item.