Creating Case Issues

A case issue is any issue you list as one you offer support for. Knowing what issue a support case is about helps your support people get important information about a case quickly.

For example, Wolfe Electronics creates a support issue for Installation. When customers and support reps enter cases about installing parts or setting up systems, they select Installation in the Issue field on case records.

Issues you offer support for differ from items you offer support for. Items refer to the goods and services you sell to customers, and you can choose which of these items you want to offer support for. For example, an electronics company might offer support for stereos as an item and sound quality as an issue. To offer support for an item, go to Lists > Accounting > Items. Click Edit next to the name of the item. On the item record, click the Preferences subtab. Check the Offer Support box, and click Save.

If you use the Issue Management feature, case issues also differ from the issue records you use to track problems with items or products. Case issues cover common subjects of cases, whereas issue records are entered for problems that need to be addressed by an engineering team.

On a case record, case issues are entered in the Issue field.

To create a case issue:

  1. Go to Setup > Support > Case Issues > New.

  2. In the Case Issue field, enter a name for this support issue.

    For example, you may want to offer support for those having troubles on your website, so you would enter a website.

  3. Customize the order in which this case issue appears on case records and online case forms. Choose an item in the Insert Before field, above which this case issue will be inserted.

  4. In the Description field, enter a brief description of what types of cases fall under this issue.

  5. Click Save.

To change your support issues, go to Setup > Support > Case Issues. Click Edit next to the name of the case issue you want to change.

To inactivate support issues, check the Inactive box on issue records. These issues no longer appear on new cases. To see inactive issues, check the Show Inactives box at the top of the Support Issue list.

You can base case rules on support issues. For example, one of your support representatives handles all questions about deliveries and another support rep answers all questions about take out. You can set up your case rules, and then territories, by the case issues.

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