Shipping Authorized Vendor Returns

When you ship items to a vendor for an authorized return, mark the item as shipped. This status lets you track the progress of the order through the return process.

To mark an authorized return item as shipped:

  1. Go to Transactions > Purchases > Enter Vendor Return Authorizations.

  2. Select the vendor whose authorized return you want to ship. Authorized returns for the vendor show in the list. If the authorized return you want to ship is not showing in the list, the return may need to be approved.

    Select All to show approved returns for all vendors.

  3. In the Return column, check the box next to the authorized return you are shipping to the vendor.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. On the Item Fulfillment page:

    • verify information in the following fields:

      • Vendor – the vendor you are sending the item to.

      • Date – the date the return is shipped

      • Ref. No. – the reference number of the return you are shipping

  6. On the Items subtab, in the Quantity column, verify or enter the number of units of each item you are shipping.

  7. Check the box in the Fulfill column next to items you are shipping.

  8. When you have finished, choose one of the following:

    • Click Save to save the information.

    • Click Save and Credit to save the information and enter a bill credit for this return. Only the amount for items you shipped will show on the bill credit.

    • Click Save and New to save the information and enter a new authorization.

    • Click Save and Print to save the information and print a packing slip for the return.


      You can also print a packing slip for a vendor return by going to Transactions > Management > Print Checks & Forms. Click Packing Slips and Return Forms. Be sure to check the Allow Reprinting box.

      You can also create a custom packing slip form at Setup > Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms. Click Customize next to Standard Packing Slip. Optionally set it as the preferred packing slip by doing one of the following:

      • Check the Form is Preferred box to use the custom form for all packing slips.

      • Click Edit next to a custom Vendor Return Authorization in the list and click the Linked Forms subtab. In the Packing Slip field, select the custom packing slip you created.

    • Click Save and Print Label to save the information and print a shipping label.


      When printing a shipping label for a Vendor Return Authorization, the label Reference Number value (label.refnumber) is sourced from the Ref. No. field. All other shipping labels source the label Reference Number value from the PO# field.

Now, the items on the vendor return authorization are marked returned and your inventory is automatically updated with the items that have been shipped.

To see what has already been received and billed for a return authorization, view the return authorization record and click the Related Records subtab.

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