Paying Bills to a Single Vendor
Use the Pay Single Vendor transaction to pay for outstanding payables to one vendor. You can also select an employee in the Payee field to pay employee expenses.
You cannot make payments to inactive vendors. For more information, see Inactivating Vendor Records.
All system-generated currency revaluation including rounding revaluation posts to the current open period. This enables you to move the revaluation to any period you require.
Use these links for more information about two methods to pay these bills:
Make a bill payment to a single vendor
To make a bill payment to a single vendor:
Go to Transactions > Payables > Pay Single Vendor.
Check the To ACH box.
Complete the form as described in the following sections.
Click Save.
After the bill is paid, you can view bill payments by going to Transactions > Payables > Enter Bills > List. The Credits Applied subtab on payments shows any credits that were applied.
If you are offsetting bills or refunds with credits and no balance is due, the transactions are updated and no payment checks are created.
Primary Information
In the A/P Account field, select an accounts payable account for this transaction.
From the Custom Form field, select a form to use for this transaction.
Note:This field appears only if you have a custom bill payment form available. NetSuite sets the standard bill payment form otherwise.
In the Payee field, select the payee you want to pay.
Select a vendor to pay a vendor bill.
If you use NetSuite OneWorld and this vendor is shared with multiple secondary subsidiaries, the Subsidiary field defaults to the vendor’s primary subsidiary. You can, however, change it to any secondary subsidiary assigned to this vendor. For more information about globally shared vendor records, see Assigning Subsidiaries to a Vendor.
If the vendor record you select is not shared with multiple subsidiaries, the Subsidiary field defaults to the vendor’s assigned subsidiary.
Select an employee to pay an expense report.
Outstanding payables for this payee appear in the list.
If you use multiple currencies, the currency for this vendor appears in the Currency field.
In the Account field, select an account for this transaction
The Balance field displays the balance in the selected account.
If you use the Multiple Currencies for vendors feature, select the currency of the bills you want to pay. This filters the list of bills to show only the bills in this currency. For more information, see Multiple Currencies and Vendors and Multiple Currencies.
The exchange rate for this currency is shown in the Exchange Rate field. You can enter an exchange rate for this currency.
The current date shows, but you can select or enter another date.
Select the period you want this payment to post to.
If you use approval routing, the posting period is set upon approval. For details, see Posting Period for Transactions Subject to Approval.
On the Payee Address subtab, the address information from the payee records appears. If the Auto Fill preference is enabled, the address information from the latest transaction for the payee appears. If you have not pay any invoices to the contact or if the Auto Fill preference is disabled, the Default Billing address information appears.
Note:The Auto Fill preference takes precedence over the Default Billing address.
To check or clear the Default Billing box, go to Home > Set Preferences List > Relationships > Customers. Click Edit next to a customer. This box is on the Address subtab, next to an address.
Check the appropriate box:
To Be Printed – adds a check to the print queue
Voucher – adds a voucher for this check to the print queue
The Check # field shows the next check number or shows To Bill Pay.
Select a Department, Class, and Location, if you track them.
Check the For Electronic Bank Payment box if you want to process the payment transaction through Electronic Payments. When this box is checked, the Check # field and other payment options are automatically cleared.
The Vendor Bank Fees field value is dependent on the payee selected. This field identifies if the vendor or company will pay the bank transfer fee. For more information, see help topic Japan Zengin Bank Fee Calculation.
Apply Subtab
On the Apply subtab, check the Apply box next to bills you want to pay.
As you apply bills, the total payment amount is shown in the Amount field.
Important:The Amount Due field is dynamically calculated.
Amount Due =Vendor Bill amount -(Other credit applied to the bill and other payment applied on the bill).
Check the Apply box next to credits you want to apply.
On the Relationships subtab, the primary contact for the customer is selected automatically. To edit information for this contact, click the contact name.
You can also add contacts to this order by entering the contact information and clicking Add.
Click the Communication subtab to associate activities, notes or files with this transaction.
Use the Events, Tasks, and Phone Calls subtabs to attach activities to this transaction. For more information, see Attaching Events, Tasks, and Calls to Records and Transactions.
On the Files subtab, you can select and attach files from the File Cabinet related to this transaction. Select New to upload a new file to File Cabinet.
On the User Notes subtab, you can enter a title and note for any comments you want to add to this transaction. Click Add after each note.
EFT Subtab
Click the EFT subtab to select the preferred bank account to pay outstanding payments to a single vendor, employee, or partner for electronic bank payment.
Preferred Entity Bank – By default, the primary entity bank account of the payee will be selected in this field. You can select from the dropdown list if you want to use any of the secondary bank accounts available in the payee record. For more information, see the country-specific topics about Setting Up Bank Records for Vendors, Employees, and Partners for Electronic Bank Payment.
Entity Bank Details – This field displays the entity bank details based on the preferred entity bank account selected for this payment.
You can also pay a vendor directly from an existing bill.
Pay a single vendor from a bill
To pay a single vendor from a bill:
Go to Transactions > Payables > Enter Bills.
Click View next to the bill you want to pay.
On the bill, click the Make Payment button.
Check the To ACH box.
Verify that the payment information showing on the bill is correct.
Check the Apply box next to credits you want to apply.
Check the appropriate box:
To Be Printed – adds a check to the print queue
Voucher – adds a voucher for this check to the print queue
Click Save.
Related Topics
- Vendor Payments Overview
- Default Vendor Payment Accounts
- Paying Bills to Multiple Vendors
- Checking the Status of a Bill Payment
- Editing a Bill Payment
- Correcting Bill Payment Applications
- Printing Bill Payments
- Printing Bill Payment Vouchers
- Vendor Payment Installments
- In-Transit Payments
- Custom Workflow-Based Approvals for Vendor Payments
- Vendor Payments