Preferred Transaction Delivery on Vendor Records

Each vendor can have an individual preference for how to receive transactions. You can set a preferred transaction delivery method on their record as the default way to deliver transactions to them. You can choose regular mail (printing), email, fax, or a combination of the three. Then, the preferred delivery method for the vendor is marked by default in the following situations:

To define the preferred transaction delivery method on vendor records:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Vendors.

  2. Click Edit next to the vendor whose record you want to update.

  3. Click the Preferences subtab.

  4. Next to Send Transactions Via, check the appropriate boxes:

    • Email – Check this box to check the To Be Emailed box by default on transactions when this vendor is selected.

    • Print – Check this box to check the To Be Printed box by default on transactions when this vendor is selected.

    • Fax – Check this box to check the To Be Faxed box by default on transactions when this vendor is selected.

  5. Click Save.

    After you save these settings on the vendor record, these boxes are checked by default.


    These settings override any customized settings on transaction forms you use.

Default Methods for All Vendor Records

You can enable preferences that set initial default transaction delivery methods for all new vendor records you create. Later, you can change the settings on individual vendor records as needed by checking or clearing the appropriate boxes. Then, the settings indicated on each vendor record will default on transactions created for that vendor.

For example, you can set a preference that when a new vendor is entered, they default to only having the To Be Emailed box checked. If a vendor also wants their transactions faxed to them, you can edit that vendor record and check the To Be Faxed box.

To set initial default values for print or fax:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Preferences > Printing & Fax.

  2. On the Printing subtab or Fax subtab, check the Vendors Default to [Print/Fax] Transactions box

To set email as the initial default value for transactions:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Email > Email Preferences.

  2. Check the Vendors Default to Email Transactions box.

    For more information, see Setting Printing and Fax Preferences.

Mass Update Vendor Records

To set values using mass update:

  1. Go to Lists > Mass Updates > Mass Updates > General

  2. Click Vendor.

For more information, see Mass Updates.

Additional Information

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