Marking Work Orders Closed

For some work orders you may want to show the items as being assembled without completing all the steps. In such a case you can skip the steps and mark the order as closed.

When you mark an order as closed, the required items are marked closed and added to inventory.


Associated variances are created when you mark an order built. For information about variances, see Using Item Records.

To mark a work order closed:

  1. Go to Transactions > Manufacturing > Close Work Orders.

  2. In Primary Options and Criteria, complete the following:

    1. Select the Posting Period you want to post this transaction to. You cannot post to a closed period.

    2. Enter a transaction Date.

    3. Select a transaction Location.

    4. Select an assembly Item to filter the list and show only work orders for the item.

    5. Select a Customer to filter the list for transactions associated with the customer. Select All to show all transactions.

    6. Check the Include In-Process Work Orders box to include work orders with In Process and Built status.

    7. In the Under-Produced Variance Tolerance (%) field, enter a percentage to close only orders that produced less than planned. This helps you determine whether to keep some orders open because they have not produced enough finished product.

      Order variance calculation: (quantity ordered -quantity built/quantity ordered) =variance percentage

      Entering a percentage in this field filters the list of orders to close to show only orders with a variance lower than the percentage entered.

    8. In the Production Variance Tolerance (%) field, enter a percentage to filter orders with a specific value variance.

      Order variance calculation: absolute value (remaining WIP value / WIP of assembly) =variance percentage

      Entering a percentage in this field filters the list of orders to close to show only orders with a variance lower than the percentage entered.

  3. In Date Range Criteria, choose from the following:

    • To filter by an order date range, enter a beginning date in the Order Date From field. Enter an end date in the Order Date To field.

    • To filter by a production start date range, enter a beginning date in the Production Start Date From field. Enter an end date in the Production Start Date To field.

    • To filter by a production end date range, enter a beginning date in the Production End Date From field. Enter an end date in the Production End Date To field.

  4. In Orders, complete the following:

    1. Check the Close box next to each order to be closed.

    2. Verify the quantities and variances displayed for each order.

    3. Click Submit.

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