Searches, Reports, and Reminders for Transfer Orders
You can use searches, reports, and reminders to find information about inventory you are transferring.
The Transfer Orders to Approve reminder shows you transfer orders due to be processed. All transfer orders that are pending approval or pending fulfillment show in the reminder.
To set up the reminder, click the Home tab and in the Settings section, click Customize this Page. In the Reminders section, click Set Up. Check the Transfer Orders to Approve box and click Save.
Transaction searches show the status, source and destination locations, quantities in-transit, quantities shipped, and quantities received for a transfer order.
If you customize an item search to show the Location in Transit column in results, the list shows the in-transit quantity for each location. For any quantity of items that is in transit, that quantity is reduced from the On Hand count for the item at the source location. The quantity is not added to the receiving location until the transfer order is marked received.
To customize a search:
Go to Reports > New Search.
Click Item.
On the Item Search form, click Personalize Search.
When you run a transaction search, you can set the following criteria to search for transfer orders:
Transfer Location (To Location)
Location (where the transaction is processed)
Order Status
Order Number
Saved Searches
You can create a Saved Transaction Search to find detailed information about transfer orders.
To create a saved search:
Go to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches..
Click New.
Click Transaction.
On the Saved Transaction Search page, Criteria subtab Sin the Filter field, you can choose to add the following:
Transfer Order Line Type
Transfer Order Quantity Committed
Transfer Order Quantity Fulfilled
Transfer Order Quantity Packed
Transfer Order Quantity Picked
Transfer Order Quantity Received
On the Results subtab on the Columns subtab, you can choose to add the following:
Transfer Location
Transfer Order Item Line ID
Transfer Order Line Type
Transfer Order Quantity Committed
Transfer Order Quantity Packed
Transfer Order Quantity Picked
Transfer Order Quantity Received
Transfer Order Quantity Shipped
For example, you can select as a search criterion a Transfer Order Line Type that is Any Of Item, Shipping and Receiving. Select in Results to show the Transfer Order Item Line ID and Transfer Order Line Type. Then, when you run the search, for each transfer order line, Item Shipping and Receiving data is displayed for each line on each order.
The Transfer Order Register shows all transfer orders with their number, status, and amount.
To view the Transfer Order Register, go to Reports > Inventory/Items > Transfer Order Register..
The following reports also include transfer order data:
Inventory Backorder Report
Inventory Pending Fulfillment Report
Shipping Report
Also, when viewing the Current Inventory Snapshot Report, the In Transit column displays quantities in transit.
Related Topics
- Multi-Location Inventory
- Transferring Inventory
- Transfer Order Preferences
- Entering a Transfer Order
- Approving Transfer Orders
- Fulfilling Transfer Orders
- Pick, Pack, and Ship with Transfer Orders
- Receiving Transfer Orders
- Intercompany Inventory Transfers -Non-Arm's Length
- Closing Transfer Orders
- Inventory Replenishment and Withdrawal