Fulfilling Transfer Orders
After a transfer order is entered, and approved if necessary, the order can be fulfilled. Fulfillment is the process of taking items out of inventory in one location and shipping the items to a second location.
For example, an approved transfer order for 50 widgets shows in the fulfillment queue for the warehouse at Location A. The transfer order shows that the widgets must be shipped to Location B. The warehouse supervisor pulls 50 widgets from inventory, packages them to be shipped and ships them out. Then, the manager marks the transfer order as fulfilled.
The fulfillment form defaults to show the department and class values entered on the transfer order.
After a transfer order is fulfilled, it has a status of Pending Receipt while the items are in transit between locations. This means the items have shipped out of the source location, but not yet been received into the receiving location.
When items are in transit, changes cannot be made to the transfer order for values in the item, quantity, or location fields.
If a transfer order includes a serialized or lot numbered item and the serial/lot numbers were not added when the transfer order was first entered, you must enter serial numbers in the Serial/Lot Numbers field on the fulfillment form.
You can fulfill a transfer order in the following ways:
Fulfill multiple transfer orders by going to Transactions > Sales > Fulfill Orders. In the Transaction Type field, select Transfer Order.
Fulfill a single transfer order by going to Transactions > Inventory > Enter Transfer Orders > List and clicking View next to the order. Then, click the Fulfill button.
For more details, read Fulfilling Orders.
Transfer Order Fulfillment Quantities
You cannot fulfill more than the quantity on the transfer order.
Lines on transfer orders cannot be partially fulfilled unless the Use Item Cost as Transfer Cost preference is enabled for that transfer order. For details about this preference, read Entering a Transfer Order and Transfer Order Preferences.
When you partially fulfill a transfer order quantity, you are required to match the fulfillment when it is received to process item costing accurately.
Transfer Order Fulfillment Status
As the order is processed, this field is updated to show the status, which can be one of the following:
Pending Approval – The transfer order is entered but not yet approved. Items on the order are not yet committed to be transferred.
Pending Fulfillment – The order is approved and ready to be fulfilled for transfer. Items on the order are now committed to be transferred.
Pending Receipt – Items are in transit between locations. They have shipped out of the source location, but not yet been received into the receiving location.
Note:Items in this state are counted with the inventory of the source location.
Received – Items have been received into the destination location. These items are now counted with the on-hand inventory for the destination location.
Rejected – This transfer order has not been approved and is cancelled.
For more details on fulfilling orders, read Fulfilling Orders.
Transfer Order Fulfillment and Commitment
You can choose how to process transfer order fulfillments based on item commitment. On the preference Fulfill Based on Commitment, your selection determines how the fulfillment form works:
Ignore Commitment – The quantity field is disabled on the fulfillment.
Allow Uncommitted – The partially committed lines are displayed on the fulfillment form with the committed quantities. To fulfill the partially committed lines, you must manually adjust the quantity being fulfilled to be equal to the order line quantity.
Limit to Committed – The Fulfill button does not show on an order if it has no lines that are fully committed. When you click Fulfill on a transfer order, only fully committed lines show on the fulfillment form.
For details about setting preferences, read Transfer Order Preferences.
Related Topics
- Multi-Location Inventory
- Transferring Inventory
- Inventory Transfer Orders
- Transfer Order Preferences
- Entering a Transfer Order
- Approving Transfer Orders
- Pick, Pack, and Ship with Transfer Orders
- Receiving Transfer Orders
- Intercompany Inventory Transfers -Non-Arm's Length
- Closing Transfer Orders
- Inventory Replenishment and Withdrawal