Quantity Pricing Schedules
Quantity pricing schedules are templates that you can apply to items to generate purchase and sale prices. When you apply a quantity pricing schedule to an item, the prices for all price levels are created dynamically.
To create quantity pricing schedules, you must first enable the Quantity Pricing feature and set quantity pricing preferences. For more information, see Using Quantity Pricing.
To create a pricing schedule:
Go to Lists > Accounting > Quantity Pricing Schedules > New.
Enter a quantity pricing schedule Name.
To base your quantity pricing schedule on a unit of measure rather than a numeric quantity, select a Units Type.
Select the related Units you want to base this schedule on.
For example, if you select quartz as the Units Type, the available Units are Qt, Smp bx, or bx.
To apply schedule quantity discounts to each pricing bracket separately, check the Use Marginal Rates box.
For example, a schedule offers no discount for the first 100 items sold and a 5% discount if more than 100 are sold. If 150 items are sold, the first 100 are at normal price, and the other 50 items are sold at 5% discount.
To apply the discount to all items sold, clear this box.
To mark this pricing schedule as inactive, check the Inactive box.
In the Calculate Quantity Discounts field, choose how to determine the quantity for pricing:
By Line Quantity -pricing is applied according to the quantity included in the line item.
By Overall Item Quantity -pricing is applied for all line items for the same item on a transaction.
By Overall Parent Quantity -pricing is applied for all items with the same parent item on the transaction. This can be useful for applying quantity pricing to matrix items.
By Overall Schedule Quantity -pricing is applied to all items that use the same pricing schedule that are included in the transaction.
Note:Only 4 non-zero quantity levels are allowed.
In the Quantity and Discount fields, enter the brackets for the schedule.
If you enabled different discount percentages per price level while setting quantity pricing preferences, set the Qty and Default Discount % for each Price Level:
Base Price
Alternate Price 1
Alternate Price 2
Alternate Price 3
Online Price
Click Save.
Tip:When you create a new item record, complete the Sales/Pricing subtab. Select the Quantity Pricing Schedule to generate prices for this item. For more information, see Creating Item Records.
You can use quantity pricing schedules to apply prices you have negotiated with vendors.
To associate a pricing schedule with a vendor:
Go to Lists > Relationships > Vendors.
Click Edit next to the vendor record with which you want to associate a pricing schedule.
Click the Financial subtab.
Click the Pricing Schedules subtab, and then click New Pricing Schedule.
The vendor quantity pricing schedule includes a Base Discount field.
After you complete the vendor quantity pricing schedule, click Save.
Only one vendor can be associated with each quantity pricing schedule. You can, however, apply a schedule to any number of items.