Viewing VAT Report Transaction Details
On a VAT report, when you click the system-generated value in a box or field, the system displays the Detailed Report showing all the transactions that make up the box value.

1 |
System-generated value. Click this figure to view the detailed report for Box 021. |
Each row of the report shows the following information:
Tax code
Date (transaction date)
Entity name
Transaction number – If there is no transaction number entered on the transaction record, an asterisk (*) is shown on the detailed report.
Transaction type
Net amount
Tax amount
Note:For Belgium and United Kingdom (UK), the tax amount total is rounded up to the nearest two decimal places.
Notional amount
Note:For Belgium and United Kingdom (UK), the notional amount total is rounded up to the nearest two decimal places.
Gross amount
Total amounts (grand total, column total, and page total)
The number of lines shown on each page depends on the value saved in the Number of Rows in List Segments field in Home > Set Preferences > General. For a large volume of transactions, you may have to wait a few minutes for the report to load. The system displays a progress bar while the report is loading.
The Detailed Report can show only 100,000 lines per saved report. If the number of lines exceeds this limitation, the total amount on the Detailed Report may not match the system-generated value in the box. For more information about row limitations and suggested workaround, see Row Limitations for Report Results.
When viewing the Detailed Report, you can do the following:
Click the entity name to open the entity record
Click the transaction number to open the transaction record
Note:If there is no transaction number entered on the transaction record, an asterisk (*) is shown on the detailed report. You can click the asterisk to view the transaction record.
Sort all rows by column, in ascending or descending order
Select the page to view (in the paging toolbar)
Resize columns
Move columns (for example, you can move the date column before the tax code column)
Export the report to Microsoft Excel format
Note:The exported file uses the default column order and column sort, even if you change them in the UI. In addition, the normal behavior of Microsoft Excel is to follow the regional settings of the computer, not the browser. Your computer's regional settings control how numbers, dates, and currencies are displayed in Excel.
To view the entity record:
Click the customer or vendor name in the Name column.
To view the transaction record:
Click the transaction number in the Number column. If there is no transaction number entered on the transaction record, an asterisk (*) is shown on the detailed report. You can click the asterisk to view the transaction record.
To sort rows by column:
Place your mouse pointer on a column header to reveal a dropdown arrow.
Click the arrow.
Select Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.
To select a page to view:
In the paging toolbar at the bottom of the page, click the arrows until you see the desired page, or type the page number and press Enter.
To resize a column:
Place your mouse pointer on the right border of a column header. The pointer becomes a double-sided arrow that looks like a cross.
Click and drag the double-sided arrow to the right or to the left, and then release the mouse when the column is as wide or as narrow as you want it to be.
To move a column:
Click and drag the column header and drop it to the new location.
For example, if you want to make the Date column the first column on the table, click and hold the Date column header, drag it to the left border of the Tax Code column, and release the mouse to drop the column.

To export to Excel:
At the bottom right corner of the Detailed Report page, click the arrow on the Export button, and then click Export Microsoft Excel. The system exports the entire report.
On the export popup window, you can choose to save the file or open it.
Note:Choose the Save File option if the report contains a large amount of data.
If you choose Save File, verify that the saved file has the .xls extension, and then open it using Microsoft Excel.
If you choose the Open with option, do not open it from the browser. Instead, select Microsoft Excel to open the file. When the file is opened, save it using Save As and select the Save as type that has the .xls file extension.
Related Topics:
- Formatting Dates and Numbers for VAT Reports
- Making Adjustments on a VAT Return
- Flagging Tax Periods in a VAT Return
- Viewing the VAT Return Submission History
- Multi-Book Accounting for International Tax Reports
- Generating VAT/GST Reports
- VAT/GST Reports
- International Tax Reports
- Automatic Tax Code Provisioning
- Electronic Tax Filing Using NetSuite
- Setting Up Tax Filing Information
- Creating or Customizing Roles to Use the International Tax Reports
- Sales and Purchase Reports Grouped by Tax Code
- International Tax Reports Best Practices