Generating VAT/GST Reports
VAT/GST reporting requires the International Tax Reports SuiteApp.
NetSuite supports VAT/GST reporting for various countries in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. For some countries, NetSuite also provides reports in XML or CSV format required by tax agencies for electronic filing. For a list of country-specific VAT forms available, see VAT/GST Reports. For information about using NetSuite generated reports for electronic filing, see Electronic Tax Filing Using NetSuite.
The NetSuite VAT/GST tax form is designed to look like the official tax form for ease of use, but it is not intended to be printed out for submission to the tax agency. For certain countries, NetSuite enables you to export the VAT return in a format that you can manually upload to the tax agency portal for electronic filing (XML, CSV, or DAT file). You should review all the values in the report prior to submission.
To generate an international VAT/GST report:
Go to Reports > VAT/GST > Tax Reports (International).
On the Tax Reports page, select values for the following fields:
Subsidiary – Select a subsidiary. The dropdown list shows only the subsidiaries that your role can access.
To generate a consolidated report that includes child subsidiaries, check the Group box. Consolidated reporting is used if the company and its child subsidiaries are registered as a single tax entity for VAT purposes, meaning they belong to one VAT group.
Note:Nondeductible transactions are not supported in consolidated reports.
Country Form – Select the VAT report that you want to generate.
Tax Period – Select the tax reporting period to use for the report.
Accounting Book – Select which accounting book will be used to generate the report. This field is only available if the Multi-Book Accounting feature is enabled.
The dropdown list shows all active books associated with the selected subsidiary. For more information, see Multi-Book Accounting for International Tax Reports.
Note:Adjusting tax amounts and group reporting are currently not supported for secondary accounting books.
Important:Click Refresh to reload the report each time you change the reporting period or accounting book.
For some countries, supplementary VAT reports are available. Click the Supplementary button provided on the Tax Reports page to generate supplementary reports.
If you intend to use NetSuite to generate an XML file of your VAT return for electronic filing, you must set up your electronic tax filing details before you generate the XML file. For more information, see Setting Up Tax Filing Information.
Note:The Tax Filing Setup page is currently available only for certain countries.
To change the date and number format on the report, click Setup and then click Formatting. For more information, see Formatting Dates and Numbers for VAT Reports.
Carefully review the report. There may be some boxes for which figures cannot be automatically generated, so you must edit or enter data manually. For system-generated data, you can click the figures in the boxes to view detailed transaction information. To view detailed reports, see Viewing VAT Report Transaction Details.
Enter or edit data
Click to drill down
To change the tax amounts on the VAT report, click Adjust Return. For more information, see Making Adjustments on a VAT Return.
Click Print to save the VAT report in PDF format. NetSuite saves the file in the VAT Folder of the File Cabinet. Saving and printing a PDF ensures that you have a record of manually entered values, because for some VAT reports, there may be boxes that NetSuite cannot automatically generate values for. You should use Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing the PDF.
Click the Export to XML or Export to CSV button to export the VAT report into a format that can be submitted to your tax agency.
For some countries, NetSuite can generate files that you can submit to the tax agency for electronic tax filing. When you generate an XML, CSV, or DAT file for electronic filing, you can flag the tax period in the report to exclude them from subsequent VAT returns. For more information, see Flagging Tax Periods in a VAT Return.
The System Notes tab on the VAT form stores a copy of each exported file and a PDF of the final or submitted copy of the VAT form. For more information, see Viewing the VAT Return Submission History.
Related Topics:
- Formatting Dates and Numbers for VAT Reports
- Viewing VAT Report Transaction Details
- Making Adjustments on a VAT Return
- Flagging Tax Periods in a VAT Return
- Viewing the VAT Return Submission History
- Multi-Book Accounting for International Tax Reports
- VAT/GST Reports
- International Tax Reports
- Automatic Tax Code Provisioning
- Electronic Tax Filing Using NetSuite
- Setting Up Tax Filing Information
- Creating or Customizing Roles to Use the International Tax Reports
- Sales and Purchase Reports Grouped by Tax Code
- International Tax Reports Best Practices