What goes into each box – France VAT report
Nondeductible tax codes created by checking the 100% Non-deductible box on the Tax Code page is not supported. If you want to create nondeductible tax codes that will work with International Tax Reports SuiteApp, see Setting Up Nondeductible Input Tax.
The following table shows how NetSuite uses the tax codes to get the values for the France TVA Form (2012).
A |
T |
A1 |
Sales, services |
0979 |
Net amounts of sales with tax codes S-FR, R-FR, SR-FR, R1-FR, R2-FR, RC-FR, GAZ-FR |
E1 |
Exports outside of the EU |
0032 |
Net amount of sales with tax codes O-FR, OS-FR |
A2 |
Other Taxable Revenue |
0981 |
Net amount of sales with tax code Z-FR Net amount of purchases IS1-FR, IS2-FR, IS3-FR, IS4-FR, FA-FR, GAZ-FR |
E2 |
Other non-taxable transactions |
0033 |
Net amount of sales with tax code E-FR |
A3 |
Purchases of intra-community services |
0044 |
Net amount of purchases with tax code ESSP-FR, ESSS-FR |
E3 |
Sales of goods or services provided by non-French residents (Art 283-1 of Customs code) |
0047 |
Editable field |
A4 |
Imports (other than petroleum products) |
0056 |
Editable Field |
E4 |
Imports (other than petroleum products) |
0052 |
Editable field |
E5 |
Withdrawals from the suspensive tax regime (other than petroleum products) |
0053 |
Editable field |
E6 |
Imports placed under a suspensive tax regime (other than petroleum products) |
0054 |
Editable field |
A5 |
Withdrawals from the suspensive tax regime (other than petroleum products) |
0051 |
Editable Field |
F1 |
Intra-Community acquisitions |
0055 |
Net amount of purchases with tax codes ES-FR, ER-FR, EZ-FR, ESSP-FR, ESR-FR |
F2 |
Intra-Community sales |
0034 |
Net amount of sales with tax codes ES-FR, ER-FR, EZ-FR, ESSS-FR, ESR-FR |
F3 |
Non-taxable sales of natural gas or electricity in France |
0029 |
Editable Field |
B1 |
Releases for consumption of petroleum products |
0048 |
Editable Field |
F4 |
Releases for consumption of petroleum products |
0049 |
Editable Field |
B2 |
Remote sales taxable in another EC country, non-VAT registered customers -B2C sales |
0031 |
Net amounts of purchases with tax codes ES-FR, ER-FR, EZ-FR, ESR-FR |
F5 |
Imports of petroleum products placed under a suspensive tax regime |
0050 |
Editable Field |
B3 |
Taxable deliveries of natural gas or electricity in France |
0030 |
Net amounts of sales with tax code GAZ-FR |
F6 |
Purchasing duty free |
0037 |
Net amount of purchases with tax code DTY-FR |
B4 |
Purchases of goods and services from a business not based in France |
0040 |
Net amounts of purchases with tax codes I-FR, IS-FR |
F7 |
EC sales, VAT registered customers -B2B sales |
0043 |
Net amount of sales with tax code NF-FR |
B5 |
A |
0036 |
Editable Field |
F8 |
A |
0039 |
Editable Field |
B |
Net VAT excluding Balance due |
Net Amount |
Tax Due |
Transactions carried out in France |
08 |
Normal rate 20% |
0207 |
Net amount of sales S-FR, GAZ-FR + Net amount of purchases ESSP-FR, ESSS-FR, RC-FR, ES-FR, IS-FR, IS1-FR |
Tax amount of sales S-FR, GAZ-FR + Tax amount of purchases ESSP-FR, ESSS-FR, RC-FR, ES-FR, IS-FR, IS1-FR |
09 |
Reduced rate 5.5% |
0105 |
Net amount of sales R-FR + Net amount of purchases ER-FR, IS3-FR |
Tax amount of sales R-FR + Tax amount of purchases ER-FR, IS3-FR |
9B |
Reduced rate 10% |
0151 |
Net amount of sales SR-FR + Net amount of purchases ESR-FR, IS2-FR |
Tax amount of sales SR-FR + Tax amount of purchases ESR-FR, IS2-FR |
Sales made on outer-continental France |
10 |
Normal rate 8.5% |
0201 |
Net amount of sales R1-FR |
Tax amount of sales R1-FR |
11 |
Reduced rate 2.1% |
0100 |
Net amount of sales R2-FR + Net amount of purchases IS4-FR |
Tax amount of sales R2-FR + Tax amount of purchases IS4-FR |
Taxable operations at other rates |
13 |
Old rates |
0900 |
Editable field |
Editable field |
14 |
Revenue taxable on a pre-d |
0950 |
Editable field |
Editable field |
Petroleum products |
P1 |
Normal rate 20% |
0208 |
Editable field |
Editable field |
P2 |
Reduced Rate 13% |
0152 |
Editable field |
Editable field |
Imports |
I1 |
Normal rate 20% |
0210 |
Net amount of purchases IPA1-FR |
Notional tax amount of purchases IPA1-FR |
I2 |
Reduced Rate 10% |
0211 |
Net amount of purchases IPA2-FR |
Notional tax amount of purchases IPA2-FR |
I3 |
Reduced Rate 8.5% |
0212 |
Net amount of purchases IPA3-FR |
Notional tax amount of purchases IPA3-FR |
I4 |
Reduced Rate 5.5% |
0213 |
Net amount of purchases IPA4-FR |
Notional tax amount of purchases IPA4-FR |
I5 |
Reduced Rate 2.1% |
0214 |
Net amount of purchases IPA5-FR |
Notional tax amount of purchases IPA5-FR |
I6 |
Reduced Rate 1.05% |
0215 |
Net amount of purchases IPA6-FR |
Notional tax amount of purchases IPA6-FR |
15 |
VAT previously deducted now due -reverse VAT |
(including VAT on petroleum products) |
0600 |
Editable Field |
(including VAT on imported products excluding petroleum products) |
5B |
Are to be added, including advance leave (in Euro) |
0602 |
Editable Field |
Line 11 applies to DOM only; other transactions taxable at 2.1% are declared on annex form 3310 A-SD |
16 |
Total of the VAT gross (lines 08 to 5B) |
Lines 08+09+9B+10+11+13+14+P1+ P2+I1+I2+I3+I4+I5+I6+15+5B |
17 |
VAT due on intra-C |
0035 |
Notional tax amount of purchases ER-FR, ES-FR, ESR-FR, ESSP-FR |
18 |
VAT due on sales to customers in Monaco |
0038 |
Tax amount of sales MO-FR |
19 |
Property constituting fixed assets |
0703 |
(Tax amount of purchases with tax code FA-FR, Deduct_FA +Tax amount of purchase adjustments box0703, FA-FR) Tax amount of n |
20 |
Other goods and services |
0702 |
(Tax amount of purchases S-FR, R-FR, R1-FR, R2-FR, SR-FR, IS1-FR, IS2-FR, IS3-FR, IS4-FR, Deduct-FR + Notional tax amount of purchases RC-FR, IS-FR, ES-FR, ER-FR, ESSS-FR, ESSP-FR, ESR-FR, RCI-FR + Tax amount of purchase adjustments box0702, S-FR, R-FR, R1-FR, R2-FR, SR-FR, IS1-FR, IS2-FR, IS3-FR, IS4-FR ) -Tax amount of nondeductible NonDeduct-FR |
21 |
Other VAT to be deducted (including r
0059 |
Editable field |
22 |
Balance forward of the credit showing on line 27 of the previous VAT return |
8001 |
Editable field |
2C |
Amounts to be charged, including holiday provisions (in Euro) |
0603 |
Editable field |
22A |
Indicate the unique tax coefficient applicable for the period if it is different from 100 |
23 |
Total deductible VAT (lines 19 to 2C) |
Lines 19 +20 +21 +22 +2C |
24 |
Of which deductible VAT on imports excluding petroleum products |
0710 |
Tax amount of purchases IS1-FR, IS2-FR, IS3-FR, IS4-FR + Notional tax amount of purchases IS-FR |
2E |
Of which deductible VAT on petroleum products |
0711 |
Editable field |
25 |
VAT Credit (line 23 -line 16) |
0705 |
Line 23 -Line 16 |
28 |
Net VAT amount due (line 16 to line 23) |
Line 16 — Line 23 |
26 |
Refund requested on document N°3519 |
8002 |
Editable field |
29 |
Total tax calculated for annex no 3310 A-SD |
9979 |
Editable Field |
AA |
VAT credit transferred to the head company Group Reporting Summary 3310-CA3G (line 25 – line 26) |
8005 |
Editable field |
AB |
Total liabilities paid by the head company of the Group Reporting Summary 3310–CA3G (lines 28 + 29) |
9991 |
Line 28 +Line 29 |
27 |
Credit to be carried forward (line 25 – line 26 – line AA) (amount to be carried forward to line 22 of the following VAT return) |
8003 |
Line 25 -Line 26 -Line AA |
32 |
Total Amount Payable (lines 28 +29 — AB) |
Line 28 + Line 29 — Line AB |