Setting Up Tax Filing for Czechia


This feature requires the International Tax Reports SuiteApp.

If you have a Czechia nexus and you intend to use the NetSuite to generate your Czechia VAT return and EU sales list, you must set up your online tax filing details before you generate the report. For more information, read the following topics:

VAT Online Filing Setup

To set up VAT online filing for Czechia:

  1. Go to Reports > VAT/GST > Tax Reports (International).

  2. Select your Czechia VAT-registered subsidiary.

  3. Click Setup, and select Tax Filing.

  4. Choose or enter values in the fields of the Online Filing Setup page.


    The fields on this page are used to complete Sections A and B of the XML file of the VAT return. The Czechia VAT form displayed in NetSuite contains only Section C, which shows transaction amounts and VAT amounts. The XML file generated by NetSuite complies with requirements of the tax agency, and can be used for online tax filing. You can submit the XML file to your tax agency's Web portal.


    Mandatory fields (marked with *) must be filled in before you can generate the XML file of the VAT report.




    Tax Returns

    Choose the type of tax return to be filed:

    B – the tax return is correct

    O – the tax return is being filed to correct a previous return

    D – the tax return contains additions

    E – the tax return contains additions and corrections

    Code of tax period the following year

    Choose the tax period code:

    Q2 – if turnover for the previous calendar year reached 2,000,000 and tax period is a quarter

    M10 – if turnover for the previous year amounted to CZK 10 million and tax period is a month

    Q – if turnover for the previous calendar year reached the amount of CZK 10 million, and tax period is a quarter

    M – if turnover for the previous year amounted to at least 2 million CZK, but has not reached the amount of CZK 10 million, and tax period is a month

    Payer Type

    Choose the payer type:

    • Taxpayer

    • Group

    • Person identified for tax

    If no data exists for page 2, cross out (X)

    If the tax return has no data on page 2 (SECTION C), check this box to place a cross mark (X) on this field on the VAT return

    Type of Taxpayer

    Choose the type of taxpayer:

    • F – individual

    • P – a legal entity

    *Revenue Office

    Enter the 3-digit code of the tax office.

    *Tax Identification No.

    Enter the 10-digit tax identification number of the taxpayer.

    Company Name

    Enter the name of the company.


    Enter the name of the company's city.

    Post code

    Enter the company's post code.


    Enter the company's telephone number.


    Enter the company's street address.


    Enter the company's email address.


    Enter the company's country.

    Main economic activity

    Enter the company's main economic activity.


    Type of representative

    In case of a group, choose the type of representative (group member) who is filing this tax return:

    • F – individual

    • P – a legal entity

    Code of the representative

    Choose the code of the representative:

    • 1 – guardian

    • 2 – appointed representative

    • 3 – joint representative agent

    • 4a – attorney general (person or legal entity)

    • 4b – individual tax advisor or lawyer (person)

    Last name

    Enter the representative's last name.


    Enter the representative's first name.

    Date of birth

    Enter the representative's date of birth.

    Registration number of the tax consultant

    If a tax consultant is filing this tax return, enter the consultant's registration number.

    Name of the legal entity

    If a legal entity is filing this tax return, enter the name of the legal entity.

    ID of the legal entity

    If a legal entity is filing this tax return, enter the ID of the legal entity.


    Last name

    Enter the last name of the person authorized to sign this tax return.


    Enter the first name of the person authorized to sign this tax return.

    Relationship to the legal entity

    Enter the relationship of this authorized person to the legal entity.

    The declaration was compiled by

    Last name

    Enter the last name of the person who compiled this tax declaration.


    Enter the first name of the person who compiled this tax declaration.


    Enter the telephone number of the person who compiled this tax declaration.

    VAT Reporting Period

    Select the VAT reporting period for your VAT return submissions.

    • By Month

    • By Quarter

  5. Click Save.

EU Sales List Online Filing Setup

To set up EU sales list online filing for Czechia:

  1. Go to Reports > VAT/GST > EU Sales List Report.

  2. Select your Czechia VAT-registered subsidiary.

  3. Click Setup, and select EU Sales Filing.

  4. Choose or enter values in the fields of the EU Sales Filing Setup page.


    Mandatory fields (marked with *) must be filled in before you can generate the XML file of the EU Sales List report.



    Form SH

    Choose the type of report to be filed:

    • R – Recapitulative Statement

    • N – Corrective Recapitulative Statement

    Type of Taxpayer

    Choose the type of taxpayer:

    • F – individual

    • P – a legal entity

    *Revenue Office

    Enter the 3-digit code of the tax office.

    *Tax Identification No.

    Enter the 10-digit tax identification number of the taxpayer.

    Company Name

    Enter the name of the company.


    Enter the name of the company's city.

    Post code

    Enter the company's post code.


    Enter the company's telephone number.


    Enter the company's street address.

    Type of representative

    In case of a group, choose the type of representative (group member) who is filing this tax return:

    • F – individual

    • P – a legal entity

    Code of the representative

    Choose the code of the representative:

    • 1 – guardian

    • 2 – appointed representative

    • 3 – joint representative agent

    • 4a – attorney general (person or legal entity)

    • 4b – individual tax advisor or lawyer (person)

    Last name

    Enter the representative's last name.


    Enter the representative's first name.

    Date of birth

    Enter the representative's date of birth.

    Registration number of the tax consultant

    If a tax consultant is filing this tax return, enter the consultant's registration number.

    Name of the legal entity

    If a legal entity is filing this tax return, enter the name of the legal entity.

    ID of the legal entity

    If a legal entity is filing this tax return, enter the ID of the legal entity.


    Last name

    Enter the last name of the person authorized to sign this tax return.


    Enter the first name of the person authorized to sign this tax return.

    Relationship to the legal entity

    Enter the relationship of this authorized person to the legal entity.

    The declaration was compiled by

    Last name

    Enter the last name of the person who compiled this tax declaration.


    Enter the first name of the person who compiled this tax declaration.


    Enter the telephone number of the person who compiled this tax declaration.

    VAT Reporting Period

    Select the VAT reporting period for your EU sales list submissions.

    • By Month

    • By Quarter

  5. Click Save.

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