Cyprus VAT Report
If you have a Cyprus subsidiary and nexus and you have the International Tax Reports SuiteApp installed in your NetSuite account, you can generate the Cyprus VAT Return (Form 4), in English or Greek, from Reports > VAT/GST > Tax Reports (International).
To generate the tax report for Cyprus, use the tax code properties provided by the International Tax Reports SuiteApp. For information, see Cyprus Tax Codes.
NetSuite gets the values in the report from your transactions, but some boxes in the form may require you to enter data manually. It is important that you save a PDF file of the report for your own records because NetSuite cannot audit manually entered data. For information, see Generating VAT/GST Reports.
You should review all the values in the report. You can click the values in the boxes of the VAT report to view drilldown details. To understand how NetSuite uses the tax codes for the Cyprus VAT report, see What goes into each box -Cyprus VAT Report.
The NetSuite VAT/GST tax form is designed to look like the official tax form for ease of use, but it is not intended to be printed out for submission to the tax agency.

You can also use customizable saved reports provided by the International Tax Reports SuiteApp to view both detail and summary reports for purchases or sales, grouped by tax code. For more information, see Sales and Purchase Reports Grouped by Tax Code. For EU sales list and Intrastat reports, see EU Sales List (ESL) Report and EU Intrastat Report.