Revaluation Record Details
The following information is available in the Details subtab for each unrealized gain/loss currency revaluation transaction at Transactions > Financial > Revalue Open Currency Balances > List ( Administrator ). You can also view this information from Transactions > Financial > Revalue Open Currency Balances ( Administrator ) after you run revaluation for a period. Click View in the Results column to view the information from last time revaluation was run for an account.
For transactions included on the Open Receivables and Open Payables subtabs:
Type – Type of transaction to be revalued, such as invoice or bill
Date – Date of transaction
Payee – Entity to receive payment or credit for the invoice
Currency – Foreign currency used for the transaction
Transaction Exchange Rate – Rate of the foreign currency to the base currency used on the transaction
Ending Exchange Rate – Rate of the foreign currency to the base currency as of the last day of the posting period
Balance – Foreign currency balance for open receivables or open payables as of the last day of the posting period. Any payments applied in the future periods are ignored.
Gain/Loss – (Balance × Ending Exchange rate) – Base Currency Balance. To find the base currency balance, open the corresponding transaction. A positive number indicates a gain.
Prior Gain/Loss – Accumulated gain/loss amount (in base currency) resulting from prior revaluations, as of the last day of the posting period
Net Gain/Loss – Difference between Gain/Loss and Prior Gain/Loss (Gain/Loss – Prior Gain/Loss)
For lines shown on the Other Accounts subtab:
Account – Name of the foreign currency account
Currency – Foreign currency used for the account
Foreign Currency Balance – Account balance denominated in foreign currency
Base Currency Balance – Accumulated account balance in base currency based on historical transactions
Exchange Rate – Rate of the foreign currency to the base currency as of the last day of the posting period
Net Gain/Loss – (Foreign Currency Balance × Exchange Rate) – Base Currency Balance