Foreign Currency Revaluation for Multiple Subsidiaries
You can run period-end foreign currency revaluation for a large number of subsidiaries at one time, even when your foreign currency transaction volume is high. When you select the subsidiary for foreign currency revaluation, check the Include Children box, and then select the account categories to include in the revaluation.
When you run the foreign currency revaluation process for multiple subsidiaries at one time, the following changes appear on the Month End Currency Revaluation page (Transactions > Financial > Revalue Open Currency Balances):
The list of Individual general ledger accounts is empty. The Results subtab lists the subsidiaries revalued with a link to the transaction.
The Account Type field becomes the Account Category field and includes the following options:
Other -includes the balance sheet account types not listed as options, such as Other Current Liability, Long Term Liability, Credit Card, Other Current Assets, Other Asset, and so on.
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
The Currency field is not displayed.
Class, Department, and Location are disabled and contain no selection