Mass Updating Sales Teams
Mass updates are a convenient way to update an individual employee’s (sales rep’s) membership of a sales team, across multiple customer accounts. NetSuite bases mass updates on saved search criteria and applies updates to the employees list on the Sales Team submenu on Company records. There are three types of Sales Team Member updates, with the setup process common to all types. For an explanation of what each type of update does, see Sales Team Member Mass Update Types.
Administrators should enable the Team Selling feature to use Sales Teams.
To perform a mass update of sales team members:
Administrators, go to Lists > Mass Update > Lists > Mass Update > Mass Updates.
Click Sales Force Automation to expand the menu.
Select the required type of Team Member mass update.
Add a name for the update in the Title of Action field.
Select the Employee to whom you want the update criteria to apply.
Select a Sales Role from the list.
From the Criteria subtab, add the required fields to filter the results.
Complete fields from additional subtabs as required.
Click Save.
Go to Lists > Mass Update > Saved Mass Updates
Click Preview alongside the required saved mass update.
Click Perform Update to amend the selected records.
Sales Team Member Mass Update Types
There are three types of sales team related mass updates:
Add Sales Team Member – Adds an employee to the sales team assigned to customers
NetSuite adds employees with sales rep roles as non-primary sales team members with 0% contribution percentage.
Remove Sales Team Member – Removes an employee from sales teams
NetSuite removes employees with a sales rep role if their contribution percentage is 0%.
Replace Sales Team Member – Replaces an existing sales team member with another employee
NetSuite awards the employee the same contribution percentage, sales role, and primary or non-primary status as the member being replaced.
When you perform this update, first select the sales team member to replace in the Replace Team Member field. This selection filters the search results to show only those customers whose sales team includes the employee being replaced.
NetSuite does not update if the employee replacing another team member is already a member of the sales team.