Creating the Link to a Customer Survey

The next step is to construct the URL that you will use to link customers to your survey.

To build the URL for the link to your survey, you first locate the online form's publishable URL. Then you add a parameter to the end of this URL.


This task requires permission to create custom record types. By default, marketing roles do not have this permission. Therefore, this task requires an administrator or a customized role to complete.

To find the form's URL:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types > New. Click the link for your Customer Survey record type under the Edit column.

  2. On the Online Forms subtab, click the name of your online form.

    The online form record opens in a new window.

  3. Click the External subtab, and find the Publishable Form URL.

    The URL is in the following format:

The following steps add a parameter to the end of the URL that passes the customer's name directly into the form. This parameter does not permit customers to enter their own name, in case they enter their name differently from your records. A name entered differently form your record would not link the completed survey to the correct customer record.

To add a parameter to the form's URL:

  1. On the Customer Survey record, click the Fields subtab.

  2. Copy the ID for the Customer field.

  3. Create a parameter to add to the end of the publishable form URL. The parameter sets the Customer field on the Survey form to the ID of the customer you send the survey email to. There are two parts to this parameter:

    • The field's ID – for example, custrecord1.

    • The FreeMarker Syntax – ${record.field}

      This FreeMarker Syntax dynamically pulls the name from the customer's record when you send the email.

      (The field ID must be changed to lowercase when you build the parameter.)

    The parameter in this example would look like &custrecord1=${record.field} and should follow the capitalization in this example.

  4. Add this parameter to the end of the publishable form URL located in the previous set of steps.

    Your final URL should look like:${record.field}

To verify that you correctly created the form URL, you should test the link before you send it to customers.

To test the link to your survey:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Clients > New and create a test customer.

  2. Enter an email address you have access to in the Email field.

  3. Click Save.

  4. After you save the customer record, click the Communication subtab, and then click Email.

  5. On the Message subtab of the email message, enter a subject.

  6. Enter text for your link, select the text, and click the Link button.

  7. Enter the URL for the custom record form.

    In the URL, replace the &custrecord1 parameter with the ID of the customer field you created above.

    The URL should be in this format: ”${record.field}

  8. Click Merge and Send.

    NetSuite replaces the tags with the customer's name in the email it sends.

  9. Check your email and click the link to the survey form.

  10. Confirm that the name of the test customer is showing in the URL.

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